opsgenie-python-sdk copied to clipboard
we hit this stacktrace today: ``` File "/home/ubuntu/dev/python/merq/util/opsgenie.py", line 37, in create_alert create_response = get_alert_api().create_alert(create_alert_payload=body) File "/home/ubuntu/dev/python/venv_3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/opsgenie_sdk/api/alert/__init__.py", line 1136, in create_alert (data) = self.create_alert_with_http_info(create_alert_payload, **kwargs) # noqa: E501 File "/home/ubuntu/dev/python/venv_3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/opsgenie_sdk/api/alert/__init__.py",...
Models such as `Responders` define the `__eq__()` and `__ne__()` methods appropriately, but not `__hash__()`. From the Python [documentation](https://docs.python.org/2.7/reference/datamodel.html#object.__hash__): > If a class [...] defines `__cmp__()` or `__eq__()` but not `__hash__()`,...
Im running into a new error on opsgenie-sdk after the update to v2.1.2. ``` File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/opsgenie_sdk/api/heartbeat/__init__.py", line 628, in ping File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/opsgenie_sdk/api/heartbeat/__init__.py", line 703, in ping_with_http_info File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/opsgenie_sdk/api_client.py", line 428,...
Heartbeat seems to be missing a few of the properties defined in https://docs.opsgenie.com/docs/heartbeat-api when comparing to https://github.com/opsgenie/opsgenie-python-sdk/blob/master/opsgenie-oas.yml#L9498-L9520 Specifically I would like to get alert_tags and alert_priority when I issue a...
I want to get stakeholders updates with api for specific incident. i know i can get to know that status update exists with incident-timelines api but not a update text....
Calling `AlertApi.get_request_status()` immediately after `create_alert()` sometimes results in an `ApiException` with `status == 404` being raised by `get_request_status()`. I believe the reason for this is that the `alerts/requests/{id}` REST endpoint...
When I run the sdk on Python 2.7, I have to put the followings in observer.py. Otherwise, error is found. import sys import abc if sys.version_info >= (3, 4): ABC...
Not all requests require a body, however it looks like the Swagger API does not permit a request with an empty body. For example, the [close alert](https://docs.opsgenie.com/docs/alert-api#section-close-alert) method does not...
Noticed in https://github.com/opsgenie/opsgenie-python-sdk/blob/master/opsgenie/alert/requests.py#L46-L68 that offset wasnt a parameter that is allowed. However offsets are part of the paging response: ``` "paging":{ "next":"https://api.opsgenie.com/v2/alerts?query=status%3Aopen&offset=20&limit=10&sort=createdAt&order=desc", "first":"https://api.opsgenie.com/v2/alerts?query=status%3Aopen&offset=0&limit=10&sort=createdAt&order=desc", "last":"https://api.opsgenie.com/v2/alerts?query=status%3Aopen&offset=100&limit=10&sort=createdAt&order=desc" }, ```