opsgenie-integration copied to clipboard
OpsGenie Integration
The project includes OpsGenie's specific integration packages:
- icinga
- icinga2
- nagios
- nagiosxi
- netcool
- redmine
- zabbix
- zendesk
- zenoss
- oem
- JDK 1.7 (to compile only)
- A clone of OpsgenieClient project into same parent directory.
- Go (required only for netcool package)
Available tasks
packageSdk: Packages sdk as zip file that includes jars, javadoc and third_party under build/distributions
package<Integration_name>: Packages the integration specific rpm, deb or zip files.
package<Integration_name>Zip: Packages the integration's zip archive only if available
package<Integration_name>OS: Packages the integration's rpm and deb archives only if available
packageAll: Packages all zip, rpm and rpm archives for all integrations. Also includes Go based Lamp client tool zip package(if you checked out go based lamp locally) (requires Go to be installed and GOPATH env variable to be set).
packageLamp: If you checked out Go Based Lamp to your local computer, you can generate a zip package of it (requires Go to be installed and GOPATH env variable to be set). You can find the Go Based Lamp source code from here
You can run the tasks:
Unix: ./gradlew packageRedmine packageSdk packageNagios
Windows: gradlew.bat packageRedmine packageSdk packageNagios
Or if you want to package all
Unix: ./gradlew packageAll
Windows: gradlew.bat packageAll