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zfs rpm release 2.2 obsoletes itself in Fedora
System information
Type | Version/Name |
Distribution Name | Fedora |
Distribution Version | 36 |
Kernel Version | 5.19.16-200.fc36.x86_64 |
Architecture | x86_64 |
OpenZFS Version | zfs-2.1.6-1 |
Describe the problem you're observing
dnf check-update
gives me:
Obsoleting Packages
zfs-release.noarch 2-2.fc36 @@commandline
zfs-release.noarch 2-2.fc36 @@commandline
and examining the rpm:
rpm -qp zfs-release-2-2.fc36.noarch.rpm --obsoletes
zfs-release <= 2-2.fc36
zfs-release-fedora <= 2-2.fc36
suggests that the rpm obsoletes its own version.
I am not an expert, but it looks to me as a packaging issue. Everything else works fine.
Describe how to reproduce the problem
Install zfs via the repo on zfsonlinux.org:
dnf install -y https://zfsonlinux.org/fedora/zfs-release-2-2$(rpm --eval "%{dist}").noarch.rpm
I have two systems with similar set-up, and both have this issue.
Include any warning/errors/backtraces from the system logs
This happens on Rocky Linux 8 too.
I installed ZFS per the documentation on a fresh install, and zfs-release 2.2
obsoleting itself in favor of zfs-release 2.2
shows up immediately.
Also happens on RedHat 8.7
Same issue on AlmaLinux 9.1:
$ yum check-update
Last metadata expiration check: 0:08:49 ago on Wed 12 Apr 2023 02:08:14 PM CEST.
Obsoleting Packages
zfs-release.noarch 2-2.el9 @@commandline
zfs-release.noarch 2-2.el9 @@commandline
$ rpm -q zfs-release-2-2.el9.noarch --obsoletes
zfs-release <= 2-2.el9
zfs-release-el <= 2-2.el9
Same issue on AlmaLinux 9.1:
$ yum check-update Last metadata expiration check: 0:08:49 ago on Wed 12 Apr 2023 02:08:14 PM CEST. Obsoleting Packages zfs-release.noarch 2-2.el9 @@commandline zfs-release.noarch 2-2.el9 @@commandline $ rpm -q zfs-release-2-2.el9.noarch --obsoletes zfs-release <= 2-2.el9 zfs-release-el <= 2-2.el9
Try to make update
dnf install https://zfsonlinux.org/epel/zfs-release-2-3$(rpm --eval "%{dist}").noarch.rpm
Try to make update
dnf install https://zfsonlinux.org/epel/zfs-release-2-3$(rpm --eval "%{dist}").noarch.rpm
That solved it for me. I uninstalled the 2-2 version first, but I am not sure whether that is necessary or would happen anyway. Thanks!
Issue can be closed.