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Reproduction for 4DAG
Hello, I am trying to evaluate 4DAG in its benchmark seq2.
I use the following command to execute in the provided docker.
python tools/mview_mperson_evaluation.py --enable_log_file --evaluation_config configs/fourdag/fourdag_config/eval_keypoints3d_seq2.py
Firstly, I got an error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tools/mview_mperson_evaluation.py", line 45, in <module>
File "tools/mview_mperson_evaluation.py", line 24, in main
evaluation = build_evaluation(evaluation_config)
File "/data/yangyuchen/Projects/xrmocap/xrmocap/core/evaluation/builder.py", line 18, in build_evaluation
return EVALUATION.build(cfg)
File "/opt/miniconda/envs/openxrlab/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mmcv/utils/registry.py", line 237, in build
return self.build_func(*args, **kwargs, registry=self)
File "/opt/miniconda/envs/openxrlab/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mmcv/utils/registry.py", line 72, in build_from_cfg
raise type(e)(f'{obj_cls.__name__}: {e}')
TypeError: BottomUpAssociationEvaluation: MviewMpersonDataVisualization: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'resolution'
It seems to come from the out-of-date config in this line. Therefore I comment it out and the whole process can be executed.
However, there is a gap between the final performance and the reported one in the [readme].(https://github.com/openxrlab/xrmocap/blob/main/configs/fourdag/README.md#fourdag)
The log file is
2024-09-09 06:56:28,681 - __main__ - INFO - Left_Shoulder_To_Right_Shoulder is not selected!
2024-09-09 06:56:28,682 - __main__ - INFO - Left_Shoulder_To_Left_Hip_Extra is not selected!
2024-09-09 06:56:28,682 - __main__ - INFO - Right_Shoulder_To_Right_Hip_Extra is not selected!
2024-09-09 06:56:28,682 - __main__ - INFO - Right_Hip_Extra_To_Left_Hip_Extra is not selected!
2024-09-09 06:56:28,970 - __main__ - INFO - Detailed table for PCPMetric
| Bone Group | Actor 0 | Actor 1 | Actor 2 | Actor 3 | Average |
| left_lower_leg | 81.65 | 89.76 | nan | nan | nan |
| right_lower_leg | 79.60 | 71.70 | nan | nan | nan |
| left_upperarm | 69.18 | 54.33 | nan | nan | nan |
| right_upperarm | 79.01 | 68.96 | nan | nan | nan |
| left_forearm | 67.64 | 26.18 | nan | nan | nan |
| right_forearm | 66.29 | 18.35 | nan | nan | nan |
| left_thigh | 87.64 | 26.22 | nan | nan | nan |
| right_thigh | 79.09 | 38.57 | nan | nan | nan |
| total | 76.26 | 49.26 | nan | nan | nan |
2024-09-09 06:56:29,162 - __main__ - INFO -
| Metric name | Value |
| mpjpe: mpjpe_mean | 157.21 |
| mpjpe: mpjpe_std | 125.83 |
| pa_mpjpe: pa_mpjpe_mean | 125.24 |
| pa_mpjpe: pa_mpjpe_std | 82.37 |
| pcp: pcp_total_mean | nan |
| pck: pck@100 | 46.22 |
| pck: pck@200 | 86.62 |
| precision_recall: recall@500 | 97.04 |
2024-09-09 06:56:29,162 - __main__ - WARNING - Overwriting ./output/fourdag/fourdag_fourdag_19_FourDAGOptimization/ and its files.
2024-09-09 06:56:29,173 - __main__ - INFO - Visualizing predict3d data for scene 0 view 0
2024-09-09 07:03:10,178 - __main__ - INFO - Visualizing predict3d data for scene 0 view 1
2024-09-09 07:09:50,608 - __main__ - INFO - Visualizing predict3d data for scene 0 view 2
2024-09-09 07:16:33,984 - __main__ - INFO - Visualizing predict3d data for scene 0 view 3
2024-09-09 07:23:23,581 - __main__ - INFO - Visualizing predict3d data for scene 0 view 4
2024-09-09 07:30:10,331 - __main__ - INFO - Visualizing predict3d data for scene 0 view 5
2024-09-09 07:36:58,682 - __main__ - INFO - Running "ffmpeg -y -f rawvideo -pix_fmt bgr24 -s 1104x736 -r 30.0 -loglevel error -threads 1 -i - -vcodec libx264 -r 30.0 -an ./output/fourdag/fourdag_fourdag_19_FourDAGOptimization/scene_0/predict3d_project_AIO.mp4"
2024-09-09 07:37:09,425 - __main__ - INFO - Visualizing perception 2D data for scene 0 view 0
2024-09-09 07:44:01,877 - __main__ - INFO - Visualizing perception 2D data for scene 0 view 1
Do you know what went wrong?
Thank you for your time and attention.