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The Framework is a set of components and tools which brings the user an interface (GUI / API) to setup, extend and manage an Open vStorage platform.
Can a delete option be added to the ovs cli tool?
### Feature description We are currently having to reconfigure proxies/volumes manually on the Nuvolat environment. The framework should allow more configuration options for all components. #### Configurations that should happen:...
### Problem description When defining junctions, it would nice to have the relations act as a combined unique key. Similar to the composite unique key from mysql.
After x hours the session closed even when i'm active on the gui. Devtools errors: ``` Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (UNAUTHORIZED) Failed...
ovs-workers and ovs-webapp-api not restarted after being killed via ovs-watcher-framework going down
On serveral occasions, for some (yet unknown) reason the ovs-watcher-framework goes down (memcache?) which takes along ovs-workers and ovs-webapp-api After some retries ovs-watcher-framework gets restarted (ovs-watcher-framework.service: Service hold-off time over,...
### Problem description When restarting the ovs-webapps, I've noticed that the plugin code for our front-end sometimes fails to load. This can be fixed by a refresh of the gui...
### Feature description Allow the user to create multiple vdisks at once.
### Feature description When configuring server that have access to multiple other nodes using sshkeys, its mandatory to specify in the .ssh/config file which host is using which indentityfile. These...
Readding a backend (delete, add) with external Arakoons ends up with errors: ``` May 09 11:44:04 stor-221-3 celery[14181]: File "/opt/OpenvStorage/ovs/lib/", line 536, in _alba_arakoon_checkup May 09 11:44:04 stor-221-3 celery[14181]: ip=clients.keys()[0])...
Currently the StorageRouter to which the DTL points for a vDisk, is always selected within the vPool to which the vDisk belongs. According to @redlicha this is not a requirement....