vcontrold copied to clipboard
How to use setSystemTime ?
Could someone please explain how to use setSystemTime. What do I have to set in vito.xml and vcontrold.xml to be able to set the time by a vclient command?
I use this line every 24h and it works fine:
vclient -h setSystemTime
Without any parameter, like the actual OS system time?
This command returns:
SRV ERR: >FRAMER: ERROR address 08FFFFFFE0 code 4 Error in recv, terminating Error executing setSystemTime setSystemTime: server error
Can you please tell me what you have set in vito.xml and vcontrol.xml for SystemTime
in vcontrol.xml i have
<unit name="SystemTime">
in vito.xml
<command name="setSystemTime" protocmd="setaddr">
<description>Setze Systemzeit</description>
<device ID="2053"/>
the result is:
vclient -h setSystemTime setSystemTime: OK
edit: this is identical to what's in here
It seems you have a different heating system. On my Vitocal 200-S heatpump (W01C) the dateTime is on addr 08E0. getSystemTime on this address works just fine, but setSystemTime fails.
I got a vitodens 200 Ho2b (so it seems to more advanced vitotronic?)
I have a Viessmann VScotHO1 with ID=20CB and the samples above did not work in my environment with version 0.98.10-24-ge424ec4 of both vcontrold and vclient. I checked the XML variants I have and compared them with the one from this repo as mentioned above without any new ideas. Then I did some internet searches again (as many times before) and found this entry: containing the very relevant information, that since v0.98.8 setSystemTime needs the system time as parameter using ISO format:
Unfortunately the sample of shell command
date +%FT%H:%M:%S%z
did not work for me. I checked the --help of the Linux date command and tested several format variants. The parameter -Iseconds
led to the same format as the output of getSystemTime shows. I created a little shell script
for testing and eventually I could setSystemTime successfully, see the script output below:
Works for me!!
You'll find my script here:
Btw: This command that I found in this entry of the FHEM forum:,94809.msg883333.html?PHPSESSID=46hkruj0s8fq4l6egs6s7vp1g3#msg883333 switches unit off
before and unit on
after setSystemTime: $VITODIR/vclient -h localhost:3002 -c "unit off,setSystemTime $JETZT,unit on"
. This led to an unpredictable and so wrong SystemTime setting in my environment.
Regards Christoph
Ah I wasn't up to date, still running 0.98.10-176