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Results 19 mapnik-stylesheets issues
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I think it would be beneficial if vending machines (especially e.g. for food or drinks) are also displayed in Mapnik. Partly the vending machines replace small grocery stores, and since...

I see the osm.xml render subway station text & image use PointsSymbolizer ,TextSymbolizer ,why not just use ShieldSymbolizer ?

Hi, I am using the `` script as I would like to generate some image files for printing. I should emphasize that I barely know what I am doing: I...

I have read many places that mapnik will generate tiles faster if the tile cover a larger map area. So instead of producing png tiles that are 256x256 pixlels (BASETILE),...

Am I not meant to use this xml file? ``` RuntimeError: Unable to process some data while parsing '/home/arch/openstreetmap-carto/osm.xml': * attribute 'maximum-scale-denominator' with value '25000000' at line 0 * attribute...

I have cloned `mapnik-stylesheets` project. I have installed `python-mapnik`. I have this error when running `./`: ``` RuntimeError: failed to initialize projection with: '&srs900913;' in Map of 'osm.xml' ```

I installed a tile server based on this tutorial: I strictly followed the instructions and I use Ubuntu 16.04.1 clean install. The server works, but there is an error...

I have a problem while generating tiles with It writes randomly "empty tiles" on the log during the process (zoom level 15). It seems that it is totally random...

I have added a wayside shrine to OSM just a while ago (, it does not render. Its importance is nearly the same as wayside_cross, it could have the same...

I've just come over to castle ruins that were not in the map. I wanted to tag them but to my surprise they already are in the map, just not...