openslide-java copied to clipboard
openslide-java parses the rectangular pathological image into the format required by deep zoom
OpenSlide os = null;
try {
os = new OpenSlide(infile);
int levelCount = os.getLevelCount();
// 切割
for (int n = levelCount - 1; n > -1; n--) { //n表示层级,也表示需要创建的文件夹名字
int nHeight = (int) (os.getLevel0Height() / os.getLevelHeight(n)); //切高的次数
int nWidth = (int) (os.getLevel0Width() / os.getLevelWidth(n)); //切长的次数
for (int j = 0; j < nWidth; j++) { //循环切长
for (int i = 0; i < nHeight; i++) { //循环切高
BufferedImage th = os.createThumbnailImage((int) (j * os.getLevelWidth(n)), (int) (i * os.getLevelHeight(n)), os.getLevelWidth(n), os.getLevelHeight(n), imgSize); //开始切图
// 输出文件到对应目录
//创建目录 nameWithoutExtension + Constants.UNDERSCORE +
String resultName = outfile + File.separator + (n+9) + File.separator + j + Constants.UNDERSCORE + i + Constants.DOT + imgType;
File file = new File(outfile + File.separator + (n+9));//文件的名称第9层开始
if (!file.exists()) {
file.mkdirs();//创建失败会抛出异常throw new IOException("Invalid file path");
ImageIO.write(th, imgType, new File(resultName));
System.out.println("保存成功:" + resultName);
i use the code parses the pathological image ,it works if the image is square; However it is wrong if the image is rectangular,so Do you have code examples?thanks!