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Static deployable artifacts for managed OSD clusters

managed-cluster-config repository

This repo contains static configuration specific to a "managed" OpenShift Dedicated (OSD) cluster.

How to use this repo has change the repo slightly: /deploy holds the sources of truth, and /generated_deploy holds the configurations that will be applied by Hive. To add a new SelectorSyncSet, add your yaml manifest to the deploy dir, then run the make command.

Alternatively you can enable GitHub Actions on your fork and make will be ran automatically. Additionally, the action will create a new commit with the generated files.

To add an ACM (Governance) Policy

  • If the manifest of the object you want to convert to policy already exists in deploy : in the object config.yaml, add a field policy: destination: "acm-policies"` (example:
  • If the manifest of the object does not exist: add your manifests with a config.yaml file. If you only want this object to be deployed as Policy, see this example

make will look for config.yaml files, runs it with the PolicyGenerator binary and save the output to generated_deploy/acm-policies directory. make will then automatically add the policy as a new SelectorySyncSet.



  • oyaml: pip install oyaml


All resources in generated_deploy/ are bundled into a template that is used by config management to apply to target "hive" clusters. The configuration is deployed to the "hive" cluster inside a SelectorSyncSet.

SelectorSyncSet deployment supports resources that are synced down to OSD clusters. Each are explained in detail here. The general configuration is managed in a config.yaml file in each deploy directory. Key things of note:

  • This file is now mandatory in the scope of OSD-15267 and have been added to all folders. In case it is not define, make will fail
+ scripts/ -t scripts/templates/ -y deploy -d /Users/bdematte/git/managed-cluster-config/hack/ -r managed-cluster-config
ERROR : Missing config.yaml for resource defined in deploy/acm-policies
Some config.yaml files are missing, exiting...
make: *** [generate-hive-templates] Error 1
  • Configuration is not inherited by sub-directories! Every (EVERY) directory in the deploy/ hierarchy must define a config.yaml file.

You must specify a deploymentMode property in config.yaml.

  • deploymentMode (optional, default = "SelectorSyncSet") - either "Policy" or "SelectorSyncSet".

Direct Deployment

Direct deployments to Hive clusters should be done via app-interface.

SelectorSyncSet Deployment

In the config.yaml file you define a top level property selectorSyncSet. Within this configuration is supported for matchLabels, matchExpressions, matchLabelsApplyMode, resourceApplyMode and applyBehavior.

  • matchLabels (optional, default: {}) - adds additional matchLabels conditions to the SelectorSyncSet's clusterDeploymentSelector
  • matchExpressions (optional, default: []) - adds matchExpressions conditions to the SelectoSyncSet's clusterDeploymentSelector
  • resourceApplyMode (optional, default: "Sync") - sets the SelectorSyncSet's resourceApplyMode
  • matchLabelsApplyMode (optional, default: "AND") - When set as "OR" generates a separate SSS per matchLabels conditions. Default behavior creates a single SSS with all matchLabels conditions. This is to tackle a situation where we want to apply configuration for one of many label conditions.
  • applyBehavior (optional, default: None, see hive default) - sets the SelectorSyncSet's applyBehavior

You can also define a top level property policy to specify the behaviour of ./scripts/ for the resource. Supported sub-properties :

  • complianceType (optional, default: "mustonlyhave", see operator values - select the compliance type for the policy when used by ./scripts/
  • metadataComplianceType (optional, default: "musthave", see operator values - select the compliance type for metadata for the policy when used by ./scripts/

Example to apply a directory for any of a set of label conditions using Upsert:

deploymentMode: "SelectorSyncSet"
        myAwesomeLabel: "some value"
        someOtherLabel: "something else"
    resourceApplyMode: "Upsert"
    matchLabelsApplyMode: "OR"
    complianceType: "mustonlyhave"
    metadataComplianceType: "musthave"

Selector Sync Sets included in this repo


A set of rules and alerts that SRE requires to ensure a cluster is functioning. There are two categories of rules and alerts found here:

  1. SRE specific, will never be part of OCP
  2. Temporary addition until made part of OCP

Prometheus and Alertmanager persistent storage

Persistent storage is configured using the configmap cluster-monitoring-config, which is read by the cluster-monitoring-operator to generate PersistentVolumeClaims and attach them to the Prometheus and Alertmanager pods.

Curated Operators

Initially OSD will support a subset of operators only. These are managed by patching the OCP shipped OperatorSource CRs. See deploy/osd-curated-operators.

NOTE that ClusterVersion is being patched to add overrides. If other overrides are needed we'll have to tune how we do this patching. It must be done along with the OperatorSource patching to ensure CVO doesn't revert the OperatorSource patching.

Console Branding

In OSD, managed-cluster-config sets a key named branding to dedicated in the Console operator. This value is in turn read by code that applies the logo and other branding elements predefined for that value.

OAuth Templates

Docs TBA.

Resource Quotas

Refer to deploy/resource-quotas/

Image Pruning

Docs TBA.



Additional Scripts

There are additional scripts in this repo as a holding place for a better place or a better solution / process.