lua-resty-redis copied to clipboard
Added luarestyredis rock
rockfile for luarocks.
@uu Hmm, maintaining this .rockspec
looks like a pain to me, especially the hard-coded version numbers, the hard-coded module list and .lua file list, and the tarball MD5 checksum there.
would like to have luarock support on lua-resty module also, but i see the pain. is it better / good practice just generate luarock spec on demand using Makefile? have think of it for my own lua-resty module. so just push to at new release
@antonheryanto I understand that. My plan is to set up our own toolchain for OpenResty (as well as our own central server at We could base our work on LuaRocks but I think we'll also have to avoid as many sore points as possible (like with automation tools as you mentioned).