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subrequest cycle problem

Open rubyist1982 opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments

nginx version: openresty/ ngx_lua-0.10.20

-- my nginx.conf worker_processes 1; user root; pcre_jit on;

events { worker_connections 1024; }

http { lua_package_path '$prefix/?.lua;$prefix/resty_modules/lualib/?.lua;;'; lua_code_cache off; default_type text/plain; keepalive_timeout 65;

server {
    listen 8080;
    location / {
        content_by_lua_file lua/not_found.lua;

    location = /main {
        content_by_lua_file lua/main.lua;

    location = /sub {
        content_by_lua_file lua/sub.lua;



-- main.lua local res = ngx.location.capture("/sub") ngx.say(res.body) ngx.say("main")

-- sub.lua ngx.say("sub")

-- question with lua_code_cache off; when first issue curl /sub then curl /main just got subrequest cycle error as follow

stack traceback: coroutine 0: [C]: in function 'capture' /root/study/test/lua/main.lua:1: in main chunk, client:, server: , request: "GET /main HTTP/1.1", subrequest: "/sub", host: "localhost:8080" 2022/04/19 01:21:07 [error] 25279#25279: *10 lua subrequests cycle while processing "/sub", client:, server: , request: "GET /main HTTP/1.1", subrequest: "/sub", host: "localhost:8080" 2022/04/19 01:21:07 [error] 25279#25279: *10 lua entry thread aborted: runtime error: /root/study/test/lua/main.lua:1: failed to issue subrequest: -1 stack traceback: coroutine 0: [C]: in function 'capture' /root/study/test/lua/main.lua:1: in main chunk, client:, server: , request: "GET /main HTTP/1.1", subrequest: "/sub", host: "localhost:8080"

and curl /main just print 51 line "mian" without any "sub" is this intended ? and i couldn't figure it out

rubyist1982 avatar Apr 19 '22 01:04 rubyist1982

-- sub.lua
local res = ngx.location.capture("/sub")

It it a typo? ngx.say("main") should be ngx.say("sub")

zhuizhuhaomeng avatar Apr 19 '22 10:04 zhuizhuhaomeng

-- sub.lua
local res = ngx.location.capture("/sub")

It it a typo? ngx.say("main") should be ngx.say("sub")

sorry for paste error. sub.lua just one line code as follow, -- sub.lua ngx.say("sub")

rubyist1982 avatar Apr 20 '22 06:04 rubyist1982

Do you still have doubts? you also remove the ngx.capture from sub.lua, is that expected?

-- sub.lua

zhuizhuhaomeng avatar Apr 21 '22 10:04 zhuizhuhaomeng

Do you still have doubts? you also remove the ngx.capture from sub.lua, is that expected?

-- sub.lua

yes it is just that simple. and when lua_code_cache off; it do produce subrquests cycle problem.

rubyist1982 avatar Apr 24 '22 00:04 rubyist1982