Fen Labalme
Fen Labalme
@tohch4 We would like someone to build profile resolution tooling in Python and JSON. If that ends up being us, we'll do it. ;-) We have not started yet (we're...
@tohch4 - We're building tools in several places: several repos under github.com./CivicActions, several in CMS-branded github. Goal is to make everything that we can FOSS and useful for all toolsets/applications/GRCs...
This is great. Yes, we see standard sets of controls (like the cmscloud-inherited controls from the compliance as a service team) being made available across CMS and ideally sanitized so...
A couple ideas... We're pulling the ARS Moderate profile into Blueprint now. As 800-53rev4 -> rev5 OSCAL transformations are being worked on (see e.g. http://xml.garygapinski.com/OSCAL/800-53-compare.html) I'd like to see us...
@xee5ch - From Leslie on the ARS team: > Above Baseline are the non-mandatory controls (in future iterations referred to as Supplemental) that systems can select as additional controls above...
Yes. I believe it should be straightforward to create the primary Catalog, the three (FISMA) Profiles and two (overlay) Profiles. It ought to be a fairly simple resolution requiring only...
The current [CMS_ARS_5_0_catalog.json](https://github.com/CMSgov/ars-machine-readable/blob/main/5.0/oscal/CMS_ARS_5_0_catalog.json) was created with a (messy-but functional) parser using [compliance-io](https://github.com/CivicActions/compliance-io): ``` python complianceio/catalog.py ../ARS\ Full\ Principle_Single_Assessment_Current\ V5.01_0.xlsx -t CMS_ARS_5_0_catalog > ars52.json ``` I figure the next step is...
_I obviously needed my coffee!_ While the compliance-io "parser" may be useful, I would like to embrace the "NIST approach with CI/CD" that I believe you started in https://github.com/CMSgov/ars-machine-readable/pull/13
Just created https://github.com/CMSgov/ars-machine-readable/pull/18 with new `class: "Supplemental"` and the associated https://github.com/CivicActions/compliance-io/pull/38 that has flag to not include PII/HVA (as those should e separate overlay (my current thinking))
@tohch4 Are you suggesting that ARS be an overlay on top of default 800-53? This is what I would like to see...