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CalculatePayoutForOutcome Consistency
In calculating dbpm outcome, we should hypothetically use the dbpm outcome calculator and if the outcome is either YES or NO, we should resolve R to 1 or 0 rather than using the YES or NO patch method shown below.
This will make our calculations more consistent and re-use code.
// calculatePayoutForOutcome calculates the payout for a specific outcome.
// betInput is the outcome of the bet (e.g., "YES", "NO").
// marketResolutionInput is the outcome to calculate the payout against (e.g., market resolution).
// See README/
func CalculatePayoutForOutcomeDBPM(bet models.Bet, totalYes, totalNo int64, betInput, marketResolutionInput string) float64 {
if betInput != marketResolutionInput {
return 0 // No payout if the bet's outcome doesn't match the market resolution
var totalPoolForOutcome int64
if marketResolutionInput == "YES" {
totalPoolForOutcome = totalYes
} else {
totalPoolForOutcome = totalNo
// prepare calculation by converting to float64
totalPool := float64(totalYes) + float64(totalNo)
// convert to float64 to do course payout calculation with float64 output
return (float64(bet.Amount) / float64(totalPoolForOutcome)) * totalPool