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CHOP: An optimization library based on PyTorch, with applications to adversarial examples and structured neural network training.

pytorCH OPtimize (CHOP): a library for continuous and constrained optimization built on PyTorch

...with applications to adversarially attacking and training neural networks.

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:warning: This library is in early development, API might change without notice. The examples will be kept up to date. :warning:

Stochastic Algorithms

We define stochastic optimizers in the chop.stochastic module. These follow PyTorch Optimizer conventions, similar to the torch.optim module. These can be used to

  • train structured models;
  • compute universal adversarial perturbations over a dataset.

Full Gradient Algorithms

We also define full-gradient algorithms which operate on a batch of optimization problems in the chop.optim module. These are used for adversarial attacks, using the chop.Adversary wrapper.


Run the following:

pip install chop-pytorch


pip install git+

for the latest development version.

Welcome to chop!


See examples directory and our webpage.


Run the tests with pytests tests.


If this software is useful to your research, please consider citing it as

  author       = {Geoffrey Negiar, Fabian Pedregosa},
  title        = {CHOP: continuous optimization built on Pytorch},
  year         = 2020,
  url          = {}


Geoffrey Négiar is in the Mahoney lab and the El Ghaoui lab at UC Berkeley.

Fabian Pedregosa is at Google Research.