icon indicating copy to clipboard operation copied to clipboard

YSF features & bugfixes

Open Hual opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

  • [ ] execute(const command[], saveoutput=0, index=0)
  • [x] ffind(const pattern[], filename[], len, &idx)
  • [ ] frename(const oldname[], const newname[])
  • [x] dfind(const pattern[], filename[], len, &idx)
  • [ ] dcreate(const name[])
  • [ ] drename(const oldname[], const newname[])
  • [x] SetModeRestartTime(Float:time)
  • [x] Float:GetModeRestartTime()
  • [ ] SetMaxPlayers(maxplayers)
  • [ ] SetMaxNPCs(maxnpcs)
  • [ ] LoadFilterScript(const scriptname[]);
  • [ ] UnLoadFilterScript(const scriptname[]);
  • [ ] GetFilterScriptCount()
  • [ ] GetFilterScriptName(id, name[], len = sizeof(name))
  • [x] AddServerRule(const name[], const value[], E_SERVER_RULE_FLAGS:flags = CON_VARFLAG_RULE)
  • [x] SetServerRule(const name[], const value[])
  • [x] IsValidServerRule(const name[])
  • [x] SetServerRuleFlags(const name[], E_SERVER_RULE_FLAGS:flags)
  • [ ] E_SERVER_RULE_FLAGS:GetServerRuleFlags(const name[])
  • [x] ToggleChatTextReplacement(bool:toggle)
  • [x] bool:ChatTextReplacementToggled()
  • [ ] GetServerSettings(&showplayermarkes, &shownametags = 0, &stuntbonus = 0, &useplayerpedanims = 0, &bLimitchatradius = 0, &disableinteriorenterexits = 0, &nametaglos = 0, &manualvehicleengine = 0, &limitplayermarkers = 0, &vehiclefriendlyfire = 0, &defaultcameracollision = 0, &Float:fGlobalchatradius = 0.0, &Float:fNameTagDrawDistance = 0.0, &Float:fPlayermarkerslimit = 0.0)
  • [ ] GetNPCCommandLine(npcid, npcscript[], length = sizeof(npcscript))
  • [ ] GetSyncBounds(&Float:hmin, &Float:hmax = 0.0, &Float:vmin = 0.0, &Float:vmax = 0.0)
  • [ ] SetSyncBounds(Float:hmin, Float:hmax, Float:vmin, Float:vmax)
  • [ ] GetRCONCommandName(const cmdname[], changedname[], len = sizeof(changedname))
  • [ ] ChangeRCONCommandName(const cmdname[], changedname[])
  • [ ] CallFunctionInScript(const scriptname[], const function[], const format[], {Float,_}:...)
  • [ ] EnableConsoleMSGsForPlayer(playerid, color)
  • [ ] DisableConsoleMSGsForPlayer(playerid)
  • [ ] HasPlayerConsoleMessages(playerid, &color = 0)
  • [ ] YSF_SetTickRate(ticks)
  • [ ] YSF_GetTickRate()
  • [ ] YSF_EnableNightVisionFix(bool:enable)
  • [ ] bool:YSF_IsNightVisionFixEnabled()
  • [ ] YSF_ToggleOnServerMessage(bool:toggle)
  • [ ] bool:YSF_IsOnServerMessageEnabled()
  • [ ] YSF_SetExtendedNetStatsEnabled(bool:enable)
  • [ ] bool:YSF_IsExtendedNetStatsEnabled()
  • [ ] YSF_SetAFKAccuracy(time_ms)
  • [ ] YSF_GetAFKAccuracy()
  • [ ] SetRecordingDirectory(const dir[])
  • [ ] GetRecordingDirectory(dir[], len = sizeof(dir))
  • [x] IsValidNickName(const name[])
  • [x] AllowNickNameCharacter(character, bool:allow)
  • [x] IsNickNameCharacterAllowed(character)
  • [x] GetAvailableClasses()
  • [x] GetPlayerClass(classid, &teamid, &modelid = 0, &Float:spawn_x = 0.0, &Float:spawn_y = 0.0, &Float:spawn_z = 0.0, &Float:z_angle = 0.0, &weapon1 = 0, &weapon1_ammo = 0, &weapon2 = 0, &weapon2_ammo = 0, &weapon3 = 0, &weapon3_ammo = 0)
  • [x] EditPlayerClass(classid, teamid, modelid, Float:spawn_x, Float:spawn_y, Float:spawn_z, Float:z_angle, weapon1, weapon1_ammo, weapon2, weapon2_ammo, weapon3, weapon3_ammo)
  • [x] GetRunningTimers()
  • [x] SetPlayerGravity(playerid, Float:gravity)
  • [x] Float:GetPlayerGravity(playerid)
  • [x] SetPlayerAdmin(playerid, bool:admin);
  • [ ] SetPlayerTeamForPlayer(playerid, teamplayerid, teamid)
  • [ ] GetPlayerTeamForPlayer(playerid, teamplayerid)
  • [ ] SetPlayerSkinForPlayer(playerid, skinplayerid, skin)
  • [ ] GetPlayerSkinForPlayer(playerid, skinplayerid)
  • [ ] SetPlayerNameForPlayer(playerid, nameplayerid, const playername[])
  • [ ] GetPlayerNameForPlayer(playerid, nameplayerid, playername[], size = sizeof(playername))
  • [ ] SetPlayerFightStyleForPlayer(playerid, styleplayerid, style)
  • [ ] GetPlayerFightStyleForPlayer(playerid, skinplayerid)
  • [ ] SetPlayerPosForPlayer(playerid, posplayerid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ, bool:forcesync = true)
  • [ ] SetPlayerRotationQuatForPlayer(playerid, quatplayerid, Float:w, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, bool:forcesync = true)
  • [ ] ApplyAnimationForPlayer(playerid, animplayerid, const animlib[], const animname[], Float:fDelta, loop, lockx, locky, freeze, time);
  • [x] GetPlayerWeather(playerid)
  • [x] TogglePlayerWidescreen(playerid, bool:set)
  • [x] IsPlayerWidescreenToggled(playerid)
  • [x] GetSpawnInfo(playerid, &teamid, &modelid = 0, &Float:spawn_x = 0.0, &Float:spawn_y = 0.0, &Float:spawn_z = 0.0, &Float:z_angle = 0.0, &weapon1 = 0, &weapon1_ammo = 0, &weapon2 = 0, &weapon2_ammo = 0, &weapon3 = 0, &weapon3_ammo = 0)
  • [x] GetPlayerSkillLevel(playerid, skill)
  • [x] IsPlayerCheckpointActive(playerid)
  • [x] GetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0, &Float:fSize = 0.0)
  • [x] IsPlayerRaceCheckpointActive(playerid)
  • [x] GetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0, &Float:fNextX = 0.0, &Float:fNextY = 0.0, &Float:fNextZ = 0.0, &Float:fSize = 0.0)
  • [x] GetPlayerWorldBounds(playerid, &Float:x_max, &Float:x_min = 0.0, &Float:y_max = 0.0, &Float:y_min = 0.0)
  • [x] IsPlayerInModShop(playerid)
  • [x] GetPlayerSirenState(playerid)
  • [x] GetPlayerLandingGearState(playerid)
  • [x] GetPlayerHydraReactorAngle(playerid)
  • [x] Float:GetPlayerTrainSpeed(playerid)
  • [x] Float:GetPlayerZAim(playerid)
  • [x] GetPlayerSurfingOffsets(playerid, &Float:fOffsetX, &Float:fOffsetY = 0.0, &Float:fOffsetZ = 0.0)
  • [x] GetPlayerRotationQuat(playerid, &Float:w, &Float:x = 0.0, &Float:y = 0.0, &Float:z = 0.0)
  • [x] GetPlayerDialogID(playerid)
  • [x] GetPlayerSpectateID(playerid)
  • [x] GetPlayerSpectateType(playerid)
  • [ ] GetPlayerLastSyncedVehicleID(playerid)
  • [ ] GetPlayerLastSyncedTrailerID(playerid)
  • [x] GetPlayerRawIp(playerid)
  • [ ] SendBulletData(senderid, forplayerid = -1, weaponid, hittype, hitid, Float:fHitOriginX, Float:fHitOriginY, Float:fHitOriginZ, Float:fHitTargetX, Float:fHitTargetY, Float:fHitTargetZ, Float:fCenterOfHitX, Float:fCenterOfHitY, Float:fCenterOfHitZ)
  • [ ] ShowPlayerForPlayer(forplayerid, playerid, bool:setskin=false)
  • [ ] HidePlayerForPlayer(forplayerid, playerid)
  • [ ] AddPlayerForPlayer(forplayerid, playerid, isnpc = 0)
  • [ ] RemovePlayerForPlayer(forplayerid, playerid)
  • [ ] SetPlayerChatBubbleForPlayer(forplayerid, playerid, const text[], color, Float:drawdistance, expiretime)
  • [ ] ResetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, resetplayerid)
  • [ ] SetPlayerVersion(playerid, const version[])
  • [x] IsPlayerSpawned(playerid)
  • [x] IsPlayerControllable(playerid)
  • [ ] SpawnForWorld(playerid)
  • [ ] BroadcastDeath(playerid)
  • [x] IsPlayerCameraTargetEnabled(playerid)
  • [ ] SetPlayerDisabledKeysSync(playerid, keys, updown = 0, leftright = 0)
  • [ ] GetPlayerDisabledKeysSync(playerid, &keys, &updown = 0, &leftright = 0)
  • [x] GetPlayerBuildingsRemoved(playerid)
  • [ ] IsBuildingRemovedForPlayer(playerid, modelid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ, Float:fRadius)
  • [x] TogglePlayerGhostMode(playerid, bool:toggle)
  • [x] GetPlayerGhostMode(playerid)
  • [ ] SetPlayerSyncKeys(playerid, keys, updown, leftright)
  • [ ] SetPlayerSyncPos(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z)
  • [ ] SetPlayerSyncVelocity(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z)
  • [ ] SetPlayerSyncRotationQuat(playerid, Float:w, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z)
  • [ ] SetPlayerSyncCameraFrontVector(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z)
  • [ ] SetPlayerSyncCameraPos(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z)
  • [ ] SetPlayerSyncCameraMode(playerid, mode)
  • [ ] SetPlayerSyncWeapon(playerid, weaponid)
  • [ ] GetPlayerSyncWeapon(playerid)
  • [ ] SetPlayerSyncWeaponState(playerid, weaponstate)
  • [ ] SetPlayerSyncSpecialAction(playerid, actionid)
  • [ ] SetPlayerSyncHealth(playerid, Float:health)
  • [ ] SetPlayerSyncArmour(playerid, Float:armour)
  • [ ] SetPlayerSyncVehicleId(playerid, vehicleid, bool:setstate=false)
  • [ ] SetPlayerSyncVehicleSeat(playerid, seat)
  • [ ] SetPlayerSyncVehiclePosition(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z)
  • [ ] SetPlayerSyncVehicleVelocity(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z)
  • [ ] SetPlayerSyncVehicleRotQuat(playerid, Float:w, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z)
  • [ ] SetPlayerSyncVehicleHealth(playerid, Float:health)
  • [ ] SetPlayerSyncTrainSpeed(playerid, Float:speed)
  • [ ] SendPlayerDeath(playerid, forplayerid=-1)
  • [ ] UpdatePlayerSyncData(playerid, type=-1, bool:setstate=false)
  • [ ] SendPlayerClientGameInit(playerid, bool:usecjwalk=bool:-1, bool:limitglobalchat=bool:-1, Float:globalchatradius=Float:-1, Float:nametagdistance=Float:-1, bool:disableenterexits=bool:-1, bool:nametaglos=bool:-1, bool:manualvehengineandlights=bool:-1, spawnsavailable=-1, bool:shownametags=bool:-1, bool:showplayermarkers=bool:-1, onfoot_rate=-1, incar_rate=-1, weapon_rate=-1, lagcompmode=-1, bool:vehiclefriendlyfire=bool:-1, const hostname[]="")
  • [ ] SetPlayerConnectMode(playerid, E_PLAYER_CONNECT_MODE:mode)
  • [ ] E_PLAYER_CONNECT_MODE:GetPlayerConnectMode(playerid)
  • [x] GetActorSpawnInfo(actorid, &skinid, &Float:fX = 0.0, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0, &Float:fAngle = 0.0)
  • [x] GetActorSkin(actorid)
  • [x] GetActorAnimation(actorid, animlib[], animlibsize = sizeof(animlib), animname[], animnamesize = sizeof(animname), &Float:fDelta, &loop = 0, &lockx = 0, &locky = 0, &freeze = 0, &time = 0)
  • [ ] TogglePlayerScoresPingsUpdate(playerid, bool:toggle)
  • [ ] TogglePlayerFakePing(playerid, bool:toggle)
  • [ ] SetPlayerFakePing(playerid, ping)
  • [ ] SetPlayerNameInServerQuery(playerid, const name[])
  • [ ] GetPlayerNameInServerQuery(playerid, name[], len = sizeof(name))
  • [ ] ResetPlayerNameInServerQuery(playerid)
  • [ ] IsPlayerPaused(playerid)
  • [ ] GetPlayerPausedTime(playerid)
  • [ ] HideObjectForPlayer(playerid, objectid)
  • [ ] ShowObjectForPlayer(playerid, objectid)
  • [ ] HideNewObjectsForPlayer(playerid, bool:toggle)
  • [ ] IsObjectHiddenForPlayer(playerid, objectid)
  • [ ] NewObjectsHiddenForPlayer(playerid)
  • [x] Float:GetObjectDrawDistance(objectid)
  • [ ] SetObjectMoveSpeed(objectid, Float:fSpeed)
  • [x] Float:GetObjectMoveSpeed(objectid)
  • [x] GetObjectTarget(objectid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0)
  • [x] GetObjectAttachedData(objectid, &attached_vehicleid, &attached_objectid = 0, &attached_playerid = 0)
  • [x] GetObjectAttachedOffset(objectid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0, &Float:fRotX = 0.0, &Float:fRotY = 0.0, &Float:fRotZ = 0.0)
  • [x] GetObjectSyncRotation(objectid)
  • [x] GetObjectMaterial(objectid, materialindex, &modelid, txdname[], txdnamelen = sizeof(txdname), texturename[], texturenamelen = sizeof(texturename), &materialcolor = 0)
  • [x] GetObjectMaterialText(objectid, materialindex, text[], textlen = sizeof(text), &materialsize, fontface[], fontfacelen = sizeof(fontface), &fontsize = 0, &bold = 0, &fontcolor = 0, &backcolor = 0, &textalignment = 0)
  • [x] IsObjectNoCameraCol(objectid)
  • [x] Float:GetPlayerObjectDrawDistance(playerid, objectid)
  • [ ] SetPlayerObjectMoveSpeed(playerid, objectid, Float:fSpeed)
  • [x] Float:GetPlayerObjectMoveSpeed(playerid, objectid)
  • [x] Float:GetPlayerObjectTarget(playerid, objectid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0)
  • [x] GetPlayerObjectAttachedData(playerid, objectid, &attached_vehicleid, &attached_objectid = 0, &attached_playerid = 0)
  • [x] GetPlayerObjectAttachedOffset(playerid, objectid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0, &Float:fRotX = 0.0, &Float:fRotY = 0.0, &Float:fRotZ = 0.0)
  • [x] GetPlayerObjectSyncRotation(playerid, objectid)
  • [x] GetPlayerObjectMaterial(playerid, objectid, materialindex, &modelid, txdname[], txdnamelen = sizeof(txdname), texturename[], texturenamelen = sizeof(texturename), &materialcolor = 0)
  • [x] GetPlayerObjectMaterialText(playerid, objectid, materialindex, text[], textlen = sizeof(text), &materialsize, fontface[], fontfacelen = sizeof(fontface), &fontsize = 0, &bold = 0, &fontcolor = 0, &backcolor = 0, &textalignment = 0)
  • [x] IsPlayerObjectNoCameraCol(playerid, objectid)
  • [x] GetPlayerSurfingPlayerObjectID(playerid)
  • [x] GetPlayerCameraTargetPlayerObj(playerid)
  • [x] GetObjectType(playerid, objectid)
  • [x] GetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, index, &modelid, &bone = 0, &Float:fX = 0.0, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0, &Float:fRotX = 0.0, &Float:fRotY = 0.0, &Float:fRotZ = 0.0, &Float:fSacleX = 0.0, &Float:fScaleY = 0.0, &Float:fScaleZ = 0.0, &materialcolor1 = 0, &materialcolor2 = 0)
  • [x] SetPlayerAttachedObjForPlayer(forplayerid, attachtoplayerid, index, modelid, bone, Float:fOffsetX = 0.0, Float:OffsetY = 0.0, Float:fOffsetZ = 0.0, Float:fRotX = 0.0, Float:fRotY = 0.0, Float:fRotZ = 0.0, Float:fScaleX = 1.0, Float:fScaleY = 1.0, Float:fScaleZ = 1.0, materialcolor1 = 0, materialcolor2 = 0)
  • [x] GetPlayerAttachedObjForPlayer(forplayerid, attachtoplayerid, index, &modelid, &bone = 0, &Float:fX = 0.0, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0, &Float:fRotX = 0.0, &Float:fRotY = 0.0, &Float:fRotZ = 0.0, &Float:fSacleX = 0.0, &Float:fScaleY = 0.0, &Float:fScaleZ = 0.0, &materialcolor1 = 0, &materialcolor2 = 0)
  • [x] RemPlayerAttachedObjForPlayer(forplayerid, removefromplayerid, index)
  • [x] IsPlayerAttachedObjForPlayer(forplayerid, attachtoplayerid, index)
  • [x] AttachPlayerObjectToObject(playerid, objectid, attachtoid, Float:OffsetX, Float:OffsetY, Float:OffsetZ, Float:RotX, Float:RotY, Float:RotZ, SyncRotation = 1)
  • [x] ClearBanList()
  • [x] IsBanned(const ipaddress[])
  • [ ] SetTimeoutTime(playerid, time_ms)
  • [ ] GetLocalIP(index, localip[], len = sizeof(localip))
  • [ ] SetExclusiveBroadcast(toggle)
  • [ ] BroadcastToPlayer(playerid, toggle = 1)
  • [ ] ToggleCloseConnectionFix(bool:toggle)
  • [x] GetVehicleSpawnInfo(vehicleid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0, &Float:fRot = 0.0, &color1 = 0, &color2 = 0)
  • [x] SetVehicleSpawnInfo(vehicleid, modelid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ, Float:fAngle, color1, color2, respawntime = -2, interior = -2)
  • [x] GetVehicleColor(vehicleid, &color1, &color2 = 0)
  • [x] GetVehiclePaintjob(vehicleid)
  • [x] GetVehicleInterior(vehicleid)
  • [x] GetVehicleNumberPlate(vehicleid, plate[], len = sizeof(plate))
  • [x] SetVehicleRespawnDelay(vehicleid, delay)
  • [x] GetVehicleRespawnDelay(vehicleid)
  • [ ] SetVehicleOccupiedTick(vehicleid, ticks)
  • [ ] SetVehicleRespawnTick(vehicleid, ticks)
  • [x] GetVehicleLastDriver(vehicleid)
  • [x] GetVehicleCab(vehicleid)
  • [x] HasVehicleBeenOccupied(vehicleid)
  • [ ] SetVehicleBeenOccupied(vehicleid, bool:occupied)
  • [x] IsVehicleOccupied(vehicleid)
  • [x] IsVehicleDead(vehicleid)
  • [ ] SetVehicleDead(vehicleid, bool:dead)
  • [x] SetVehicleParamsSirenState(vehicleid, sirenState)
  • [x] ToggleVehicleSirenEnabled(vehicleid, enabled)
  • [x] IsVehicleSirenEnabled(vehicleid)
  • [x] GetVehicleMatrix(vehicleid, &Float:rightX, &Float:rightY = 0.0, &Float:rightZ = 0.0, &Float:upX = 0.0, &Float:upY = 0.0, &Float:upZ = 0.0, &Float:atX = 0.0, &Float:atY = 0.0, &Float:atZ = 0.0)
  • [x] GetVehicleModelCount(modelid)
  • [x] GetVehicleModelsUsed()
  • [ ] HideVehicle(vehicleid)
  • [ ] ShowVehicle(vehicleid)
  • [ ] IsVehicleHidden(vehicleid)
  • [x] IsValidGangZone(zoneid)
  • [x] IsPlayerInGangZone(playerid, zoneid)
  • [x] IsGangZoneVisibleForPlayer(playerid, zoneid)
  • [x] GangZoneGetColorForPlayer(playerid, zoneid)
  • [x] GangZoneGetFlashColorForPlayer(playerid, zoneid)
  • [x] IsGangZoneFlashingForPlayer(playerid, zoneid)
  • [x] GangZoneGetPos(zoneid, &Float:fMinX, &Float:fMinY = 0.0, &Float:fMaxX = 0.0, &Float:fMaxY = 0.0)
  • [x] CreatePlayerGangZone(playerid, Float:minx, Float:miny, Float:maxx, Float:maxy)
  • [x] PlayerGangZoneDestroy(playerid, zoneid)
  • [x] PlayerGangZoneShow(playerid, zoneid, color)
  • [x] PlayerGangZoneHide(playerid, zoneid)
  • [x] PlayerGangZoneFlash(playerid, zoneid, color)
  • [x] PlayerGangZoneStopFlash(playerid, zoneid)
  • [x] IsValidPlayerGangZone(playerid, zoneid)
  • [x] IsPlayerInPlayerGangZone(playerid, zoneid)
  • [x] IsPlayerGangZoneVisible(playerid, zoneid)
  • [x] PlayerGangZoneGetColor(playerid, zoneid)
  • [x] PlayerGangZoneGetFlashColor(playerid, zoneid)
  • [x] IsPlayerGangZoneFlashing(playerid, zoneid)
  • [x] PlayerGangZoneGetPos(playerid, zoneid, &Float:fMinX, &Float:fMinY = 0.0, &Float:fMaxX = 0.0, &Float:fMaxY = 0.0)
  • [x] IsValidTextDraw(Text:textdrawid)
  • [x] IsTextDrawVisibleForPlayer(playerid, Text:textdrawid)
  • [x] TextDrawGetString(Text:textdrawid, text[], len = sizeof(text))
  • [x] TextDrawGetLetterSize(Text:textdrawid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0)
  • [x] TextDrawGetTextSize(Text:textdrawid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0)
  • [x] TextDrawGetPos(Text:textdrawid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0)
  • [x] TextDrawGetColor(Text:textdrawid)
  • [x] TextDrawGetBoxColor(Text:textdrawid)
  • [x] TextDrawGetBackgroundColor(Text:textdrawid)
  • [x] TextDrawGetShadow(Text:textdrawid)
  • [x] TextDrawGetOutline(Text:textdrawid)
  • [x] TextDrawGetFont(Text:textdrawid)
  • [x] TextDrawIsBox(Text:textdrawid)
  • [x] TextDrawIsProportional(Text:textdrawid)
  • [x] TextDrawIsSelectable(Text:textdrawid)
  • [x] TextDrawGetAlignment(Text:textdrawid)
  • [x] TextDrawGetPreviewModel(Text:textdrawid)
  • [x] TextDrawGetPreviewRot(Text:textdrawid, &Float:fRotX, &Float:fRotY = 0.0, &Float:fRotZ = 0.0, &Float:fZoom = 0.0)
  • [x] TextDrawGetPreviewVehCol(Text:textdrawid, &color1, &color2 = 0)
  • [x] TextDrawSetStringForPlayer(Text:textdrawid, playerid, const string[], {Float,_}:...)
  • [x] IsValidPlayerTextDraw(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid)
  • [x] IsPlayerTextDrawVisible(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid)
  • [x] PlayerTextDrawGetString(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid, text[], len = sizeof(text))
  • [x] PlayerTextDrawSetPos(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid, Float:fX, Float:fY)
  • [x] PlayerTextDrawGetLetterSize(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0)
  • [x] PlayerTextDrawGetTextSize(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0)
  • [x] PlayerTextDrawGetPos(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0)
  • [x] PlayerTextDrawGetColor(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid)
  • [x] PlayerTextDrawGetBoxColor(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid)
  • [x] PlayerTextDrawGetBackgroundCol(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid)
  • [x] PlayerTextDrawGetShadow(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid)
  • [x] PlayerTextDrawGetOutline(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid)
  • [x] PlayerTextDrawGetFont(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid)
  • [x] PlayerTextDrawIsBox(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid)
  • [x] PlayerTextDrawIsProportional(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid)
  • [x] PlayerTextDrawIsSelectable(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid)
  • [x] PlayerTextDrawGetAlignment(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid)
  • [x] PlayerTextDrawGetPreviewModel(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid)
  • [x] PlayerTextDrawGetPreviewRot(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid, &Float:fRotX, &Float:fRotY = 0.0, &Float:fRotZ = 0.0, &Float:fZoom = 0.0)
  • [x] PlayerTextDrawGetPreviewVehCol(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid, &color1, &color2 = 0)
  • [x] IsValid3DTextLabel(Text3D:id)
  • [x] Is3DTextLabelStreamedIn(playerid, Text3D:id)
  • [x] Get3DTextLabelText(Text3D:id, text[], len = sizeof(text))
  • [x] Get3DTextLabelColor(Text3D:id)
  • [x] Get3DTextLabelPos(Text3D:id, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0)
  • [x] Float:Get3DTextLabelDrawDistance(Text3D:id)
  • [x] Get3DTextLabelLOS(Text3D:id)
  • [x] Get3DTextLabelVirtualWorld(Text3D:id)
  • [x] Get3DTextLabelAttachedData(Text3D:id, &attached_playerid, &attached_vehicleid = 0)
  • [x] IsValidPlayer3DTextLabel(playerid, PlayerText3D:id)
  • [x] GetPlayer3DTextLabelText(playerid, PlayerText3D:id, text[], len = sizeof(text))
  • [x] GetPlayer3DTextLabelColor(playerid, PlayerText3D:id)
  • [x] GetPlayer3DTextLabelPos(playerid, PlayerText3D:id, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0)
  • [x] Float:GetPlayer3DTextLabelDrawDist(playerid, PlayerText3D:id)
  • [x] GetPlayer3DTextLabelLOS(playerid, PlayerText3D:id)
  • [x] GetPlayer3DTextLabelVirtualW(playerid, PlayerText3D:id)
  • [x] GetPlayer3DTextLabelAttached(playerid, PlayerText3D:id, &attached_playerid, &attached_vehicleid = 0)
  • [x] IsMenuDisabled(Menu:menuid)
  • [x] IsMenuRowDisabled(Menu:menuid, row)
  • [x] GetMenuColumns(Menu:menuid)
  • [x] GetMenuItems(Menu:menuid, column)
  • [x] GetMenuPos(Menu:menuid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0)
  • [x] GetMenuColumnWidth(Menu:menuid, &Float:fColumn1, &Float:fColumn2 = 0.0)
  • [x] GetMenuColumnHeader(Menu:menuid, column, header[], len = sizeof(header))
  • [x] GetMenuItem(Menu:menuid, column, itemid, item[], len = sizeof(item))
  • [x] IsValidPickup(pickupid)
  • [x] IsPickupStreamedIn(playerid, pickupid)
  • [x] GetPickupPos(pickupid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0)
  • [x] GetPickupModel(pickupid)
  • [x] GetPickupType(pickupid)
  • [x] GetPickupVirtualWorld(pickupid)
  • [x] SetPickupPos(pickupid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, bool:update=true)
  • [x] SetPickupModel(pickupid, model, bool:update=true)
  • [x] SetPickupType(pickupid, type, bool:update=true)
  • [x] SetPickupVirtualWorld(pickupid, virtualworld)
  • [x] ShowPickupForPlayer(playerid, pickupid)
  • [x] HidePickupForPlayer(playerid, pickupid)
  • [ ] SetPickupForPlayer(playerid, id, model, type, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z)
  • [x] CreatePlayerPickup(playerid, model, type, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, virtualworld = 0)
  • [x] DestroyPlayerPickup(playerid, pickupid)
  • [x] IsValidPlayerPickup(playerid, pickupid)
  • [x] IsPlayerPickupStreamedIn(playerid, pickupid)
  • [x] GetPlayerPickupPos(playerid, pickupid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0)
  • [x] GetPlayerPickupModel(playerid, pickupid)
  • [x] GetPlayerPickupType(playerid, pickupid)
  • [x] GetPlayerPickupVirtualWorld(playerid, pickupid)
  • [ ] GetColCount()
  • [ ] Float:GetColSphereRadius(modelid)
  • [ ] GetColSphereOffset(modelid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0)
  • [x] SendClientMessagef(playerid, color, const message[], {Float,_}:...)
  • [x] SendClientMessageToAllf(color, const message[], {Float,_}:...)
  • [x] GameTextForPlayerf(playerid, displaytime, style, const message[], {Float,_}:...)
  • [x] GameTextForAllf(displaytime, style, const message[], {Float,_}:...)
  • [x] SendPlayerMessageToPlayerf(playerid, senderid, const message[], {Float,_}:...)
  • [x] SendPlayerMessageToAllf(senderid, const message[], {Float,_}:...)
  • [x] SendRconCommandf(const command[], {Float,_}:...)
  • [x] IsValidVehicle(vehicleid)
  • [x] Float:GetGravity()
  • [x] GetWeaponSlot(weaponid)
  • [ ] SendRPC(playerid, RPC, {Float,_}:...);
  • [ ] SendData(playerid, {Float,_}:...);

Not in the latest YSF include:

  • [ ] SetPlayerSyncPosition(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z)

Hual avatar Oct 11 '21 09:10 Hual