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Fitness function can not restrain
HI, that's my first experience to use multi objectives algorithm with your code. My fitness function as below:
object test_food {
var p:Vector[Vector[Double]] = Vector.empty[Vector[Double]]
var size = 0
def param(vector: Vector[Vector[Double]],size:Int): Unit ={
this.p = vector
this.size = size
def continuous(size: Int) = Vector.fill(size)(C(2, 5.0))
def discrete = Vector.empty
def compute(genome: Vector[Double], d: Vector[Int]): Vector[Double] = {
val genomeSize = genome.size
var population :Vector[Double] = Vector.empty
for (i <- 0 to this.size){
var p_tmp = ( => t*this.p(i)(genome.indexOf(t))).sum + this.p(i)(genome.size+1))
println(p_tmp,genomeSize, this.p(i)(genome.size+1))
population = population:+ p_tmp
and call function as below:
object FOODNSGAII extends App {
import algorithm._
test_food.p = Vector(Vector(5.913,0.455,1.437,7.169,-65 ),Vector( 2.429 ,2.467,4.931,11.969,-25 ),Vector(12.612,4.281,6.485,33.13,-120 ))
val nsga2 =
mu = 100,
lambda = 100,
fitness = test_food.compute,
continuous = test_food.continuous(3))
def evolution[M[_]: Generation: Random: cats.Monad: StartTime: IO] =
trace((s, is) => println(s.generation)).
val (finalState, finalPopulation) = util.Random(42)) { impl =>
import impl._
println(NSGA2.result(nsga2, finalPopulation).mkString("\n"))
But the result can't be restrained. Something wrong?
here is the result:
Result(Vector(2.0, 2.0, 2.0),Vector(),Vector(100.47800000000001, 39.574, 195.672)) Result(Vector(2.0000000000000004, 2.0, 2.0),Vector(),Vector(78.646, 39.726, 162.348)) Result(Vector(2.0, 2.000000000000001, 2.0),Vector(),Vector(89.562, 39.650000000000006, 179.01)) Result(Vector(2.0, 2.0000000000000004, 2.0),Vector(),Vector(89.562, 39.650000000000006, 179.01)) Result(Vector(2.000000000000001, 2.0, 2.0),Vector(),Vector(78.646, 39.726, 162.348)) Result(Vector(2.0, 2.000000000000002, 2.0),Vector(),Vector(89.562, 39.650000000000006, 179.01)) Result(Vector(2.0, 2.0000000000000018, 2.0),Vector(),Vector(89.562, 39.650000000000006, 179.01)) Result(Vector(2.0, 2.0000000000000013, 2.0),Vector(),Vector(89.562, 39.650000000000006, 179.01))
Hi @liaicheng,
the fitness reaches the minimum value for you 2 objectives: Vector(2.0, 2.0, 2.0). This is the ideal point of the Pareto front you're computing since you're 2 objectives range from 2.0 to 5.0 and MGO always minimize the fitness. What do you expect ?
@romainreuillon thanks for your replying. Yes, I got it. What i expect is minimize to zero. Anyway , I update my fitness, it can work better.