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'maintenance' event has two different definitions

Open vilesa1 opened this issue 3 years ago • 1 comments


As per:

'maintenance' is defined as a transition (1) from 'available' state to 'non_operational' state ("The vehicle requires some non-charge-related maintenance")

however it seems to be also: a transition (2) from 'non_operational' state to 'available' ("The vehicle was previously in need of maintenance")


  • two events have the same name but mean different things. Shouldn't the (2) be called "maintenance_end" for example, to distinguish with the other?
  • in any case "maintenance" is vague, and is not consistent with the other events being verbs (e.g. trip_end)

thanks! vic

vilesa1 avatar Nov 03 '20 10:11 vilesa1

Yep, it's a little ambiguous. I'm not sure why nobody flagged it during the 1.0 release process. We could fix it, but it would be a breaking change. Since you get to specify the reason (maintenance) as well as the state (available, non_operational), you can still disambiguate them.

marie-x avatar Nov 06 '20 22:11 marie-x

Very old topic here, reviving it right now. We had discussions regarding this topic in NYC with the operators there. Eventually, what the outcome of the discussion was is the following:

  • maintenance events are dedicated to "street maintenance", meaning quick actions performed by operators on their scooters as they go to them on the street. This is why they would point to the non operational status
  • maintenance pick up events are dedicated to "workshop maintenance", meaning That the scooter is removed from the street to undergo specific work from the operations teams. This is why they would point to the removed status

It is kind of written in the spec, but not that clearly... Maybe a simple clarification in the definition of those events could be enough ?

pierre-bouffort avatar Dec 08 '22 21:12 pierre-bouffort

If anyone could create the recommended wording clarification change here or in a PR, that would help move this forward.

schnuerle avatar Dec 19 '22 02:12 schnuerle

Here is a proposal Michael:

maintenance - General maintenance that doesn't need to be performed in operator's facilities. maintenance_pick_up - Pick for maintenance that has to be performed in operator's facilities.

pierre-bouffort avatar Dec 19 '22 13:12 pierre-bouffort

This seems a bit related to the removal of the unknown state drafted by @jean-populus which means to clarify if a vehicle is in the PROW or not:

I think that's what @pierre-bouffort is getting at with his suggestion, that some maintenance stays in the PROW, and some goes back to a warehouse out of PROW, and that's an important distinction.

I feel that @vilesa1 is saying more that maintenance could be used to mean going into maintenance or returning from maintenance, which is why @marie-x said the resulting state already can clarify this.

So the initial issue seems to be resolved, but Pierre is suggesting a fix to a related issue, right?

schnuerle avatar Dec 19 '22 14:12 schnuerle

Can @marie-x confirm that this issue will be resolved?

schnuerle avatar Jan 09 '23 21:01 schnuerle

This is in the modes work rather than the agency/provider work - someone (could be me) should audit the modes docs.

marie-x avatar Jan 09 '23 21:01 marie-x

I'll add this as an update to the spec when working on the 2.0 release candidate. Approved by the WGSC.

schnuerle avatar Jan 12 '23 17:01 schnuerle

This has been added to the dev branch. See it listed in the event types file, and for each mode, eg, micromobility.

Descriptions are generic but adequate.

maintenance General maintenance
maintenance_pick_up Pick up for maintenance

But should they be updated to

maintenance - General maintenance that doesn't need to be performed in operator's facilities. maintenance_pick_up - Pick for maintenance that has to be performed in operator's facilities.

schnuerle avatar Feb 07 '23 16:02 schnuerle