spice-dataset copied to clipboard
Large gradient errors in some clusters
I noticed that with the default psi4 configuration, the analytical gradient might have large errors. See https://github.com/psi4/psi4/issues/3161.
Then I looked at whether the SPICE dataset has such a problem. I found yes. Here is an example:
>> import h5py
>> import numpy as np
>> f=h5py.File("SPICE-1.1.3.hdf5")
>>> f["[cl-] [k+]"]["dft_total_gradient"][:]
array([[[-0.11935428, -0.05381549, -0.04868505],
[ 0.11906447, 0.05368482, 0.04856684]],
[[-0.07920539, -0.03571265, -0.03230853],
[ 0.07944967, 0.03582279, 0.03240817]],
[[-0.05042415, -0.02273561, -0.02056828],
[ 0.05006452, 0.02257346, 0.02042158]],
[[-0.02906785, -0.01310628, -0.01185692],
[ 0.02893096, 0.01304456, 0.01180108]],
[[-0.01390282, -0.00626859, -0.00567105],
[ 0.01385674, 0.00624782, 0.00565226]],
[[-0.00304641, -0.00137359, -0.00124264],
[ 0.00291706, 0.00131527, 0.00118988]],
[[ 0.00452754, 0.0020414 , 0.0018468 ],
[-0.00475733, -0.00214501, -0.00194053]],
[[ 0.00991673, 0.00447132, 0.00404509],
[-0.00998873, -0.00450378, -0.00407446]],
[[ 0.01348626, 0.00608075, 0.00550111],
[-0.01354828, -0.00610872, -0.00552641]],
[[ 0.01583315, 0.00713894, 0.00645845],
[-0.01597644, -0.00720355, -0.0065169 ]],
[[ 0.01726558, 0.00778484, 0.00704274],
[-0.01739115, -0.00784146, -0.00709396]]], dtype=float32)
>>> np.sum(f["[cl-] [k+]"]["dft_total_gradient"][:],axis=1)
array([[-2.8980523e-04, -1.3067201e-04, -1.1821464e-04],
[ 2.4427474e-04, 1.1014193e-04, 9.9644065e-05],
[-3.5963207e-04, -1.6215444e-04, -1.4669634e-04],
[-1.3688765e-04, -6.1720610e-05, -5.5837445e-05],
[-4.6082772e-05, -2.0778272e-05, -1.8797349e-05],
[-1.2934324e-04, -5.8319303e-05, -5.2759773e-05],
[-2.2978242e-04, -1.0360568e-04, -9.3729002e-05],
[-7.1995892e-05, -3.2461714e-05, -2.9367395e-05],
[-6.2023290e-05, -2.7965289e-05, -2.5299378e-05],
[-1.4329515e-04, -6.4610038e-05, -5.8451667e-05],
[-1.2556836e-04, -5.6618359e-05, -5.1220413e-05]], dtype=float32)
The sum gradients over atoms indicate that some gradients have at least the error of 2e-4 Hatree/Bohr (~0.23 kcal/mol/A), which looks quite large for machine learning training.
I suggest rerunning these points using a tighter integration grid, as suggested in https://github.com/psi4/psi4/issues/3161.
Thanks for the heads up. Does this apply to just a few conformations, or the whole dataset?
I did a histogram of the total forces as shown below:
Total forces per atom
import h5py
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
t = []
with h5py.File("SPICE-1.1.3.hdf5") as f:
for kk in tqdm(f.keys()):
tt = np.sum(f[kk]["dft_total_gradient"][:], axis=1)
t = np.concatenate(t)
t = np.abs(t)
hist, bins = np.histogram(t, bins=100)
logbins = np.logspace(np.log10(bins[0]+1e-8),np.log10(bins[-1]),len(bins))
hist, bins, _ = plt.hist(t, bins=logbins)
plt.xlabel("Total force (Hatree/Bohr)")
Thanks! It looks like the peak of the distribution is about 5e-5 hartree/bohr, or to use units I'm more used to, about 2.5 kJ/mol/nm. That's the sum over all atoms in each molecule. Assume the average molecule has between 40 and 50 atoms. If the force errors on atoms are uncorrelated with each other, the total error should scale as $\sqrt{n}$, meaning the errors in the forces on individual atoms are around 0.35 kJ/mol/nm. If they're correlated, the total error scales more quickly so the individual errors are smaller than that.
Those errors are small enough that they're probably not worth worrying about. Typical forces in an MD simulation get up to a few thousand kJ/mol/nm. But the tail of the distribution reaches up to about 1e-3 hartree/bohr, or about 50 kJ/mol/nm. That's potentially more concerning, though it depends on what the relative error is. If errors that large only happen in molecules with very large forces, it's less of an issue.