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How to copy the docker images to IBM zCX server from USS using z/OSMF?

Open MacNale opened this issue 4 years ago • 4 comments

I am trying to build z/OSMF workflow to copy my application docker images from USS into zCX server. There are two approaches -

  • Push docker image to zCX Private/Public docker Registry.
  • Copy the docker tar to ZCX and load into docker repository using docker load command

I have neither zCX Docker Registry nor a linux system. My docker images are available in tar format on USS. Is there any way to get my docker images in zCX? Is there any z/OSMF built-in step to perform this activity?

I read the documentation - http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redbooks/pdfs/sg248457.pdf. It is not so clear to get started.

Edit 3rd Jun 2020 : Removed 'There is no SFTP available in zCX.' I have a zCX running now. I will test the SFTP from USS to zCX to transfer files in binary format as well properties files as ascii format.

Having a workflow for a sample hello word, would help immensely. This will act as best practices.

MacNale avatar May 15 '20 16:05 MacNale