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Workflow variables should not include command keywords

Open jlczuk opened this issue 4 years ago • 8 comments


I was inspecting this workflow: https://github.com/openmainframeproject/zorow/blob/master/IBM-GTS-Workflows/PA-zOSMF-Workflows-ZFS/IBM-MF-AUTO-ZFS-DEFINE.xml

I noticed that workflow variables are prompting users to enter utility keywords along with the actual variable content needed. For example:

<variable name="zfs-sms-dc" scope="instance" visibility="public"> <label>Data Class</label> <abstract>If coded, the syntax for this parameter is DATACLAS(DC_NAME)</abstract> <description>If coded, the syntax for this parameter is DATACLAS(DC_NAME)</description> <category>SMS</category> <string valueMustBeChoice="false" multiLine="false">

This variable input forces the user to have to know the utility keyword DATACLAS in order to enter the actual information the workflow needs, which is the NAME of the data class to use.

Why wouldn't you just prompt for the VALUE for DATACLAS and substitute that into the workflow like this?

#if($zfs-sms-dc != "") DATACLAS($zfs-sms-dc) - #end

I suspect this is being done in nearly all the GTS workflows.

jlczuk avatar Nov 11 '19 22:11 jlczuk