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Open Mainframe Project foundation level resources, such as the charter, FAQ about the project, and other public assets

Open Mainframe Project Foundation documents

This repository contains many of the governance and overview documents for the Open Mainframe Project.

  • Open Mainframe Project Overview Deck -
  • Governance Documents
  • Transparency
    • Open Mainframe Project Annual Goals as aligned on by the Governing Board.
    • Open Mainframe Project Annual Reports
    • Open Mainframe Summit transparency reports.
    • Semi-Annual Survey Results
  • Policies and Guidelines
    • Branding Guidelines
    • Elections process and schedule
    • Social Media Guidelines
    • Webinar Guidelines
  • Programs
    • Zowe Conformance Program source participation agreements, terms and conditions, checklist, and submitted conformance checklists.

Please file a service desk issue with the Open Mainframe Project team if you have any questions, and open a pull request for any corrections needed.