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Control Three.js with the Leap. An OpenLeap project started by Cabbibo.

###An OpenLeap project started by @Cabbibo.

#Basic three.js Fly controls for the Leap, based off three.js FlyControls

Control Scheme:

  • Hold hand out with fingers out to fly,
  • Close hand to stop movement but look around
  • Point with hand to determine direction
  • Move hand in x / y to also determine direction
  • Move hand in z to determine flight speed

Parameters are as follows:

  • rollSpeed: Speed at which camera rolls with hand

  • lookSpeed: Speed at which camera looks

  • movementSpeed: Speed at which camera moves

  • directionFactor: tells you how much pointing determines direction

  • positionFactor: tells you how much position determines direction

  • weakDampening: how quickly movement returns to rest ( WEAK: Fingers extended )

  • strongDampening: how quickly movement returns to rest ( STRONG: Fingers closed )


Include the Neccesary Scripts:

  <!-- LEAP SCRIPT -->
  <script src="lib/leap-0.4.3.js"></script>
  <!-- LEAP CONTROL -->
  <script src="LeapControls.js"></script>

In your initialization function, initialize the camera, and controller:

     ADD THREE Camera


  camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(70,window.innerWidth/window.innerHeight,1,3000)
  camera.position.z = 1000;


  controller = new Leap.Controller();

Create your camera controls by passing in the camera and controller you want to use. If you want to change any parameters, do so here:



  controls = new THREE.LeapFlyControls( camera , controller );

  // API
  controls.rollSpeed        = .005;
  controls.lookSpeed        = .018;
  controls.movementSpeed    = .10;

  controls.directionFactor  = .01;
  controls.positionFactor   = .01;

  controls.weakDampening    = .99;
  controls.strongDampening  = .90;
  controls.dampening        = controls.weakDampening;

Lastly, make sure to update your controls in the animate loop:

  function animate() {
      requestAnimationFrame( animate );

This should get you rolling!