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Comments on Workshop v5.0.0-beta.en.4
Bear in mind that I use W10, and only started learning node.js yesterday. I am experienced in OL3 and js, and did the workshop today to see how things have changed. Some of these are bugs, and some suggestions. Generally I found the workshop excellent and well put together, so thanks.
in the sync(map); needs the map to be declared as const map = new Map({ NOT just new Map({
In The lines
import {Fill, Stroke, Style} from 'ol/style';
import {getArea} from 'ol/sphere';
import colormap from 'colormap';
raised the questions for me (new to node) as to why some imports are upper case and some lower case, and why some are enclosed in {} and some not? I did eventually find the answer at and, but a link in the text would have saved me some searching
In it says The data source we are going to use requires an access key. Please read the terms at, where you can also get your own key. This confused me for a while as: a. goes to and I could find no mention of terms or access key b. I presumed I needed to sign up, and then continue with a free account, but could still find no mention of my access key (I actually already have a MapTiler account and I was not sure if this is the same or not) c. I went to and tin their code the key is arAKbT5Ce6Z448SNiGHA so I used const key = 'arAKbT5Ce6Z448SNiGHA'; in my code for the workshop I do not know if I missed how you expected me to do it?
In I initially had problems with addEventListener on undefined, but eventually after editing the js with a new blank line it worked OK.
I thought the popup was not working when I clicked, but then found that it only works in certain places - mostly in the sea and roads. Maybe you need to warn about this.
In I did use bright.json and it worked but very, very slowly (taking minutes to respond) and consumed a lot of resources - maybe need to find a way for it not to be so resource-intensive or warn?
In Although I already had a free MapBox account, I found I was forced to change to a "Paid For" account (with a free tier of 50,000 map views / mo) and give my credit card details. I am not happy about that but hopefully I will never be charged. I cannot see how I can limit my use to just the free tier.
In It took me a few minutes to see the sea level slider on my map, so I thought I had failed. When I added a background colour it made it more obvious. (Nice effect though to see Boston under water!)
In Excellent to have the deploy section. Most people may know this already but it took me a while to find out that I needed to use start rather than open at the command prompt
General: These are things I now want to find out, and hopefully will find by searching, but at the end it would have been useful to have links to:
- a list of the main packages/modules used in the workshop and why - eg Babel, webpack etc (I intend to scan through the workshop's node_modules to find out about them so I know which I might find useful in my own development)
- an indication as to whether the workshop set up is a good place to start an OL project (again I intend to ask people whether to start from the workshop, an example or elsewhere)