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7872: Adding artifacts to third-party pom file, which are not getting resolved by maven

Open viragpurnam opened this issue 2 years ago • 5 comments

Sometimes below mentioned artifacts are not getting resolved by mvn p2:site.

  • jetty-security
  • jetty-server
  • websocket-core-server
  • jetty-xml

These plugins will be missing in jmc -> releng -> third-party -> target ->repository -> plugins. So adding these to third-party pom file. Adding these artifacts is not creating any effect on existing behavior. These artifacts will be just hosted on local p2 site.


  • [x] Commit message must refer to an issue
  • [x] Change must be properly reviewed (1 review required, with at least 1 Committer)


  • JMC-7872: Adding artifacts to third-party pom file, which are not getting resolved by maven



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viragpurnam avatar Aug 09 '22 06:08 viragpurnam

:wave: Welcome back viragpurnam! A progress list of the required criteria for merging this PR into master will be added to the body of your pull request. There are additional pull request commands available for use with this pull request.

bridgekeeper[bot] avatar Aug 09 '22 06:08 bridgekeeper[bot]

Formatting issues have been corrected in No code changes have been done to this class.

viragpurnam avatar Aug 09 '22 06:08 viragpurnam


mlbridge[bot] avatar Aug 09 '22 06:08 mlbridge[bot]

:warning: @viragpurnam the full name on your profile does not match the author name in this pull requests' HEAD commit. If this pull request gets integrated then the author name from this pull requests' HEAD commit will be used for the resulting commit. If you wish to push a new commit with a different author name, then please run the following commands in a local repository of your personal fork:

$ git checkout 7872
$ git commit --author='Preferred Full Name <[email protected]>' --allow-empty -m 'Update full name'
$ git push

openjdk[bot] avatar Aug 15 '22 18:08 openjdk[bot]

@viragpurnam This change now passes all automated pre-integration checks.

ℹ️ This project also has non-automated pre-integration requirements. Please see the file for details.

After integration, the commit message for the final commit will be:

7872: Adding artifacts to third-party pom file, which are not getting resolved by maven

Reviewed-by: hirt

You can use pull request commands such as /summary, /contributor and /issue to adjust it as needed.

At the time when this comment was updated there had been no new commits pushed to the master branch. If another commit should be pushed before you perform the /integrate command, your PR will be automatically rebased. If you prefer to avoid any potential automatic rebasing, please check the documentation for the /integrate command for further details.

As you do not have Committer status in this project an existing Committer must agree to sponsor your change. Possible candidates are the reviewers of this PR (@thegreystone) but any other Committer may sponsor as well.

➡️ To flag this PR as ready for integration with the above commit message, type /integrate in a new comment. (Afterwards, your sponsor types /sponsor in a new comment to perform the integration).

openjdk[bot] avatar Aug 15 '22 18:08 openjdk[bot]


viragpurnam avatar Aug 16 '22 08:08 viragpurnam

@viragpurnam Your change (at version 713c55aa5efe60034dbde3da14bbe7dc2028449f) is now ready to be sponsored by a Committer.

openjdk[bot] avatar Aug 16 '22 08:08 openjdk[bot]


Suchitainf avatar Aug 16 '22 08:08 Suchitainf

Going to push as commit 195d32c00510f28b77756a7f262af5877d371606.

openjdk[bot] avatar Aug 16 '22 08:08 openjdk[bot]

@Suchitainf @viragpurnam Pushed as commit 195d32c00510f28b77756a7f262af5877d371606.

:bulb: You may see a message that your pull request was closed with unmerged commits. This can be safely ignored.

openjdk[bot] avatar Aug 16 '22 08:08 openjdk[bot]