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8292279: (fs) Use try-with-resources to release NativeBuffer
Since JDK-8260966, NativeBuffer implements AutoCloseable interface. Now we can use try-with-resources statements to simplify code.
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- JDK-8292279: (fs) Use try-with-resources to release NativeBuffer
- Alan Bateman (@AlanBateman - Reviewer)
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@turbanoff This change now passes all automated pre-integration checks.
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After integration, the commit message for the final commit will be:
8292279: (fs) Use try-with-resources to release NativeBuffer
Reviewed-by: alanb
You can use pull request commands such as /summary, /contributor and /issue to adjust it as needed.
At the time when this comment was updated there had been 76 new commits pushed to the master
- e89abb7d2d902c6e6b3c9953fc6663de10db77b9: 8292190: [IR Framework] Remove redundant regex matching for failing counts constraints
- 77cd917a97b184871ab2d3325ceb6c53afeca28b: Merge
- 967a28c3d85fdde6d5eb48aa0edd8f7597772469: 8292260: [BACKOUT] JDK-8279219: [REDO] C2 crash when allocating array of size too large
- 1c1c4410b20f598c7e81fae044b6cb298ed12bab: 8292072: NMT: repurpose Tracking overhead counter as global malloc counter
- d546d13861ee21dc16ce85045b3d57d0e9e3ee8a: 8292319: ProblemList 2 runtime/cds/appcds tests due to JDK-8292313
- 8353a33350eca859842bc6b92bc9a38a60c11e26: 8286313: [macos] Voice over reads the boolean value as null in the JTable
- e70747b4e9bd9c161b95c88ff0d58609f0b08d42: 8292305: [BACKOUT] JDK-8289208 Test DrawRotatedStringUsingRotatedFont.java occasionally crashes on MacOS
- 22d6d315f2b1e0838d07bd30b6c2d58b5f98878b: 8284313: Improve warning messages when CDS archive fails to load
- 00decca46a77ea9390081655b069008aacfea525: 8289208: Test DrawRotatedStringUsingRotatedFont.java occasionally crashes on MacOS
- 9f8cc4213561b28e24a84d836be6ce40f19f2c97: 8292218: Convert PackageEntryTable to ResourceHashtable
- ... and 66 more: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/compare/8e2c006cd14905c06e8c2cc30f13de249d54ed79...master
As there are no conflicts, your changes will automatically be rebased on top of these commits when integrating. If you prefer to avoid this automatic rebasing, please check the documentation for the /integrate command for further details.
➡️ To integrate this PR with the above commit message to the master
branch, type /integrate in a new comment.
Going to push as commit 1d9c2f7a6e3e897721ef99af8f383a07148b7c4e.
Since your change was applied there have been 99 commits pushed to the master
- a25e1dc53cecc5dd917ac0f76fd86ef1f074adba: 8292285: C2: remove unreachable block after NeverBranch-to-Goto conversion
- 1ef4e484889c77cccadea44025924b2d010ba2cc: 8273860: Javadoc Deprecated API list should not use italic font for description column
- 0cc66aeae8cbf2d01be5f5ba38e46f1deb9ec7a6: 8285790: AArch64: Merge C2 NEON and SVE matching rules
- da477b13661b39e1f48b674f7fd9ea1d26521fc3: 8292509: ProblemList java/lang/invoke/lambda/LogGeneratedClassesTest.java on windows
- 01b87ba8e2c48ad29c1f4771973ebbe938967448: 8289616: Drop use of Thread.stop in AppContext
- e44e3f0c1976a513c6637545f49f49de84cbac02: 8289106: Add model of class file versions to core reflection
- c3d3662e52de434adb267485982fbf8541bdc0c8: 8292313: 2 runtime/cds/appcds tests fail after JDK-8284313
- 3e122419b2979235f57c0dd549ca63647ea73753: 8290775: Some doc errors in DerOutputStream.java
- ec53fba03933446024028555b87c6023895a5dc6: 8292361: Build failure on PPC64 BE after JDK-8290840
- 4cc6cb9d9ddbcc540baac7b81398f2af83f93340: 8290041: ModuleDescriptor.hashCode is inconsistent
- ... and 89 more: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/compare/8e2c006cd14905c06e8c2cc30f13de249d54ed79...master
Your commit was automatically rebased without conflicts.
@turbanoff Pushed as commit 1d9c2f7a6e3e897721ef99af8f383a07148b7c4e.
:bulb: You may see a message that your pull request was closed with unmerged commits. This can be safely ignored.