openhab-webui copied to clipboard
Code view shows white screen in Firefox
The problem
Everywhere in the UI where there is a code view, I get a white screen. It does not seem to matter what the content is or where it appears. If I open the same link in Chrome, I get the actual code view (YAML, JS, ...). I cannot interact with the white screen.
Firefox 96.0 running on Fedora 35. All browser extensions disabled on the site.
Expected behavior
I expect to see a Code view.
Steps to reproduce
Browse to Thing, select a thing, click the "Code" tab.
Your environment
version: 3.1.1
buildString: Release Build
locale: en-BE
configFolder: /etc/openhab
userdataFolder: /var/lib/openhab
logFolder: /var/log/openhab
javaVersion: 11.0.14
javaVendor: Red Hat, Inc.
javaVendorVersion: "18.9"
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osVersion: 4.18.0-348.2.1.el8_5.x86_64
osArchitecture: amd64
availableProcessors: 2
freeMemory: 91574376
totalMemory: 254803968
- amazonechocontrol
- astro
- avmfritz
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- knx
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- ntp
- samsungtv
- snmp
- systeminfo
- zwave
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isSecureContext: true
locationbarVisible: true
menubarVisible: true
cookieEnabled: true
deviceMemory: N/A
hardwareConcurrency: 8
language: en-US
- en-US
- en
onLine: true
platform: Linux x86_64
width: 2112
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dark: dark
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userAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64; rv:96.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/96.0
timestamp: 2022-01-27T18:43:00.668Z
Browser console
new SSE connection: https://xxxx:8443/rest/events?topics=openhab/thin…hab/things/*/updated,openhab/things/*/status,openhab/inbox/*, 1 open app.js:32:454101
Array [ EventSource ]
SSE connection closed: https://xxxx:8443/rest/events?topics=openhab/thin…hab/things/*/updated,openhab/things/*/status,openhab/inbox/*, 0 open app.js:32:454388
Array []
Start tracking states app.js:37:2597
new SSE connection: https://xxxx:8443/rest/events/states, 1 open app.js:32:454101
Array [ EventSource ]
Setting initial tracking list: [] app.js:37:3057
new SSE connection: https://xxxx:8443/rest/events?topics=openhab/things/*/*,openhab/links/*/*, 2 open app.js:32:454101
Array [ EventSource, EventSource ]
Empty string passed to getElementById(). app.js:1:3784
Adding knx:device:e130d123:FF_BedroomFront_TemperatureAQS to code because it is extensible app.js:32:280134
Adding knx:device:e130d123:FF_BedroomFront_Humidity to code because it is extensible app.js:32:280134
Adding knx:device:e130d123:FF_BedroomFront_CO2 to code because it is extensible app.js:32:280134
Empty string passed to getElementById().
Browser network traffic
Additional information
Could you try with e.g. to see if it's a general problem or something with your particular configuration? I get no issues here (Debian).
userAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0
I'll note that you have a rather peculiar pixelRatio: 1.8181818181818181
The demo website works fine. So it is particular to my installation? How do I diagnose what the problem is?
I have no idea what is the cause of the pixel ratio or what it is :).
You don't have anything in the environment or logs suggesting something's wrong. I don't think there was anything changed in the UI department from your 3.1.1 to the demo's 3.3.0 that is relevant to your issue. Sorry but you'll have to inspect the source of the page and figure out why that happens.
Inspect the HTML elements and see if they cover the entire page or if there's a problem. Clear your cache.
Perhaps I was unclear. Only the element is white, the rest of the screen is fine.
This is what I can export with the developer tools
Clearing the cache had no effect.
Do you see any difference at all when inspecting the page in the demo site that works and your instance?
The code editor fields has the "Overflow" label. Not sure what that is.
This is the element that work:
This the element that doesn't.
The main difference I can see is that if I hover over the element that has class "CodeMirror-lines", it shows me the code area in the working one but only a line in the not working one. the element "CodeMirror-sizer" seems to be correct though.
Another difference is that in the non-working one, there is a label "Overflow" behind the "vue-codemirror code-editor-fit thing-code-editor" div (see my screenshot in the previous post).
In any case, if I keep opening divs, I can see the actual code lines in there. So the data is there, it is just not rendered correctly for some reason.
Maybe it's only the thing code editor that has an issue? Do you also have the issue on your instance with the page editor? (go to Settings > Pages, open e.g. Overview and switch to Code).
Yes, that is also blank.
Look for the "computed" CSS attributes of the element with the vue-codemirror class in both working & non-working and compare:
Another difference is that in the non-working one, there is a label "Overflow" behind the "vue-codemirror code-editor-fit thing-code-editor" div (see my screenshot in the previous post).
Not sure why that is. Anyways, if your 3.1.1 instance has the issue and 3.3.0 doesn't, it means either that:
- there's something fishy in your instance
- there was something in later versions that fixed it after all.
Can you try downloading and running the latest stable version (on the side) and see if the problem occurs? If everything's fine then it could be a good idea to upgrade. In any case even if we end up pinpointing the root cause you're not going to get a fix for 3.1.1.
It seems more likely to me there is something fishy with my instance. Since everything seems to work except the things where the editor is being used, perhaps we can look a bit deeper into that?
I have compared the calculated values and the only difference except the size of the elements is that the color for the chrome one is set to (0.0.0) and the firefox one (255.255.255) but I think that is because the firefox one has been set to the dark theme.
I am installing openhab through the dnf repository, not sure how I can easily upgrade that to 3.3.0...