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[shelly] Shelly TRV: decimal place of target temperature is cut off
Shelly TRV: when you set a target temperature (e.g. 20.5) in openhab the decimal place is cut off by the binding so that the Shelly TRV only receives the integer (22). You see in the following log in line1 that the target is set to 22.5. In line2 it's truncated to 22. In line3 it becomes 22.0
2024-04-27 16:06:58.809 [DEBUG] [y.internal.handler.ShellyBaseHandler] - shellytrv: Set temperature to 22.5
2024-04-27 16:06:58.809 [TRACE] [shelly.internal.api.ShellyHttpClient] - shellytrv: HTTP GET
2024-04-27 16:07:00.666 [TRACE] [shelly.internal.api.ShellyHttpClient] - shellytrv: HTTP Response 200: {"pos":0.0,"target_t":{"enabled":true,"value":22.0,"value_op":8.0,"units":"C"},"tmp":{"value":21.2,"units":"C","is_valid":true},"schedule":false,"schedule_profile":1,"boost_minutes":0,"window_open":false}
Your Environment
openhab 4.2 M2 bug is in binding 4.2dev and 4.2M2