openhab-addons copied to clipboard
[ecovacs] T20 Omni values not recognized
Expected Behavior
The values of group “Last Clean Run" are displayed and there are no errors in the logs.
Current Behavior
2024-01-01 19:26:43.247 [WARN ] [mmon.WrappedScheduledExecutorService] - Scheduled runnable ended with an exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected a string but was BEGIN_OBJECT at line 1 column 34 path $.error
at$ ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.binding.ecovacs.internal.api.impl.EcovacsApiImpl.handleResponse( ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.binding.ecovacs.internal.api.impl.EcovacsApiImpl.sendIotCommand( ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.binding.ecovacs.internal.api.impl.EcovacsIotMqDevice.sendCommand( ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.binding.ecovacs.internal.handler.EcovacsVacuumHandler.lambda$15( ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.binding.ecovacs.internal.handler.EcovacsVacuumHandler.doWithDevice( ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.binding.ecovacs.internal.handler.EcovacsVacuumHandler.pollData( ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ ~[?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ [?:?]
at [?:?]
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected a string but was BEGIN_OBJECT at line 1 column 34 path $.error
at ~[?:?]
at$ ~[?:?]
at$ ~[?:?]
at$1.readIntoField( ~[?:?]
at$FieldReflectionAdapter.readField( ~[?:?]
at$ ~[?:?]
... 17 more
Steps to Reproduce (for Bugs)
- Install binding / create thing
- Wait for error message in log files.
Added new (supported) thing after openhab update to 4.1.0 and values are not updated.
Your Environment
version: 4.1.0
buildString: Release Build
locale: de-DE
configFolder: /etc/openhab
userdataFolder: /var/lib/openhab
logFolder: /var/log/openhab
javaVersion: 17.0.5
javaVendor: Eclipse Adoptium
javaVendorVersion: Temurin-17.0.5+8
osName: Linux
osVersion: 6.1.39-v8+
osArchitecture: arm
availableProcessors: 4
freeMemory: 299587208
totalMemory: 612368384
uptime: 696571
startLevel: 70
- automation-jsscripting
- binding-astro
- binding-avmfritz
- binding-denonmarantz
- binding-deutschebahn
- binding-ecovacs
- binding-exec
- binding-heos
- binding-homematic
- binding-icalendar
- binding-modbus
- binding-mqtt
- binding-netatmo
- binding-network
- binding-ntp
- binding-tankerkoenig
- binding-tradfri
- persistence-influxdb
- persistence-rrd4j
- transformation-jsonpath
- transformation-map
- transformation-regex
- transformation-scale
- ui-basic
ios: false
android: false
androidChrome: false
desktop: true
iphone: false
ipod: false
ipad: false
edge: false
ie: false
firefox: false
macos: false
windows: true
cordova: false
phonegap: false
electron: false
nwjs: false
webView: false
webview: false
standalone: false
os: windows
pixelRatio: 1.5
prefersColorScheme: light
isSecureContext: true
locationbarVisible: true
menubarVisible: true
cookieEnabled: true
deviceMemory: 8
hardwareConcurrency: 8
language: de-DE
- de-DE
- de
- en-US
- en
onLine: true
platform: Win32
width: 2206
height: 1266
colorDepth: 24
touch: false
pointerEvents: true
observer: true
passiveListener: true
gestures: false
intersectionObserver: true
dark: light
filled: true
pageTransitionAnimation: default
bars: filled
homeNavbar: default
homeBackground: default
expandableCardAnimation: default
userAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML,
like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
timestamp: 2024-01-02T19:49:42.017Z
This issue has been mentioned on openHAB Community. There might be relevant details there:
Can you please
- enable debug logging (
log:set DEBUG org.openhab.binding.ecovacs
in OH console) - install this version of the binding (it includes #16466) [1]
- create and enable bridge and vacuum things, if not done yet
- wait a moment [2]
- grab the debug log and share it here
? Thanks.
[1] To make sure all dependencies are installed, my approach to installing would be
- install distribution binding (likely already done)
- download binding linked above
- open OH console
- get ID of existing binding: run
bundle:list | grep Ecovacs
-> check first column - update binding:
bundle:update <insert ID here> <path to downloaded jar>
- download addon, copy to OH addons folder
- run
bundle:list | grep Ecovacs
in console -> should list 2 bindings: a4.1.1
one and a4.1.2.202403060828
one - run
bundle:uninstall <ID of 4.1.1 binding>
- restart OH
Result after running bundle:list
again should be the binding reported with version number
instead of 4.1
and as Active
[2] The vacuum thing should now be toggling between ONLINE and OFFLINE. Wait for one or two of such cycles, then grab log.
sorry for the late reply, i've little spare time at the moment.
I've updated the bundle as mentioned above, but the version seems to be a bit newer now:
openhab> bundle:list | grep Ecovacs
343 x Active x 80 x x openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Ecovacs Binding
The devices (i've two evocacs bots) did not toggle the state on their own. So i've did manually. As there are some log messages and errors in the log, i've attached this and hope it helps. Otherwise, let me know what i can do to support you.
Thanks for your work!
Sönke openhab.log
I've updated the bundle as mentioned above, but the version seems to be a bit newer now:
Oh, right, oops ... I reused the same link to do debugging for #16117 ... good news is that this shouldn't matter ;-) Since it includes #16524 I assume the last cleaning information channels (duration, area, map etc.) work now ... please confirm. If that's the case is there anything that actually is still broken with this jar? If that's not the case, I'd need a description of what exactly is broken + ~~information about your vacuum~~ (stupid me, the title says it's a T20) + a log with level set to TRACE instead of DEBUG. The error in the original issue report should cause a message at DEBUG level with that jar, but I don't see it in the log, so I assume that one is no longer happening?
on the first look it seems good - status values are available now. I'll watch this a while and give you an answer.
The JsonSyntaxException is furthermore present in the log, see at 2024-03-16 19:25:07.247
2024-03-16 19:25:07.247 [DEBUG] [internal.api.impl.EcovacsIotMqDevice] - E06930903E1FPBVY0032: Got invalid JSON message payload, ignoring: {"header":{"pri":1,"tzm":60,"ts":"1710613506039","ver":"0.0.1","fwVer":"1.22.0","hwVer":"0.1.1","wkVer":"0.1.54"},"body":[{"signal":-62,"uptime":" 18:11:05 up 28 days, 11:00, POWER_RESET, 100/1, 423","meminfo":"241476,258672","pos":"-33,-554","isvalid":1,"mapid":"1761984352","ts":"1710613506010"},{"signal":-62,"uptime":" 18:12:05 up 28 days, 11:01, POWER_RESET, 100/1, 423","meminfo":"242044,258104","pos":"-33,-554","isvalid":1,"mapid":"1761984352","ts":"1710613506010"},{"signal":-62,"uptime":" 18:13:05 up 28 days, 11:02, POWER_RESET, 100/1, 423","meminfo":"241800,258348","pos":"-33,-554","isvalid":1,"mapid":"1761984352","ts":"1710613506011"},{"signal":-62,"uptime":" 18:14:05 up 28 days, 11:03, POWER_RESET, 100/1, 423","meminfo":"242040,258108","pos":"-33,-554","isvalid":1,"mapid":"1761984352","ts":"1710613506011"},{"signal":-62,"uptime":" 18:15:05 up 28 days, 11:04, POWER_RESET, 100/1, 423","meminfo":"241852,258296","pos":"-33,-554","isvalid":1,"mapid":"1761984352","ts":"1710613506011"},{"signal":-62,"uptime":" 18:16:05 up 28 days, 11:05, POWER_RESET, 100/1, 423","meminfo":"241452,258696","pos":"-33,-554","isvalid":1,"mapid":"1761984352","ts":"1710613506011"},{"signal":-62,"uptime":" 18:17:05 up 28 days, 11:06, POWER_RESET, 100/1, 423","meminfo":"241504,258644","pos":"-33,-554","isvalid":1,"mapid":"1761984352","ts":"1710613506011"},{"signal":-62,"uptime":" 18:18:05 up 28 days, 11:07, POWER_RESET, 100/1, 423","meminfo":"242000,258148","pos":"-33,-554","isvalid":1,"mapid":"1761984352","ts":"1710613506011"},{"signal":-62,"uptime":" 18:19:05 up 28 days, 11:08, POWER_RESET, 100/1, 423","meminfo":"242176,257972","pos":"-33,-554","isvalid":1,"mapid":"1761984352","ts":"1710613506011"},{"signal":-62,"uptime":" 18:20:05 up 28 days, 11:09, POWER_RESET, 100/1, 423","meminfo":"242348,257800","pos":"-33,-554","isvalid":1,"mapid":"1761984352","ts":"1710613506012"},{"signal":-62,"uptime":" 18:21:05 up 28 days, 11:10, POWER_RESET, 100/1, 423","meminfo":"241932,258216","pos":"-33,-554","isvalid":1,"mapid":"1761984352","ts":"1710613506012"},{"signal":-62,"uptime":" 18:22:05 up 28 days, 11:11, POWER_RESET, 100/1, 423","meminfo":"241964,258184","pos":"-33,-554","isvalid":1,"mapid":"1761984352","ts":"1710613506012"},{"signal":-62,"uptime":" 18:23:05 up 28 days, 11:12, POWER_RESET, 100/1, 423","meminfo":"241664,258484","pos":"-33,-554","isvalid":1,"mapid":"1761984352","ts":"1710613506012"},{"signal":-62,"uptime":" 18:24:05 up 28 days, 11:13, POWER_RESET, 100/1, 423","meminfo":"242224,257924","pos":"-33,-554","isvalid":1,"mapid":"1761984352","ts":"1710613506012"},{"signal":-62,"uptime":" 18:25:05 up 28 days, 11:14, POWER_RESET, 100/1, 423","meminfo":"241736,258412","pos":"-33,-554","isvalid":1,"mapid":"1761984352","ts":"1710613506012"}]} java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 123 path $.body
at$ ~[?:?]
at$1.readIntoField( ~[?:?]
at$FieldReflectionAdapter.readField( ~[?:?]
at$ ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.binding.ecovacs.internal.api.impl.JsonReportParser.handleMessage( ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.binding.ecovacs.internal.api.impl.EcovacsIotMqDevice.lambda$3( ~[?:?]
at com.hivemq.client.internal.mqtt.mqtt3.Mqtt3AsyncClientView.lambda$callbackView$1( ~[bundleFile:?]
at com.hivemq.client.internal.mqtt.MqttAsyncClient$CallbackSubscriber.onNext( [bundleFile:?]
at com.hivemq.client.internal.mqtt.MqttAsyncClient$CallbackSubscriber.onNext( [bundleFile:?]
at com.hivemq.client.rx.FlowableWithSingle$SingleFutureSubscriber.onNext( [bundleFile:?]
at com.hivemq.client.internal.rx.operators.FlowableWithSingleCombine$SplitSubscriber$Default.tryOnNextActual( [bundleFile:?]
at com.hivemq.client.internal.rx.operators.FlowableWithSingleCombine$SplitSubscriber.tryOnNext( [bundleFile:?]
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableObserveOn$ObserveOnConditionalSubscriber.runAsync( [bundleFile:?]
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableObserveOn$ [bundleFile:?]
at [bundleFile:?]
at [bundleFile:?]
at [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ [?:?]
at [?:?]
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 123 path $.body
at ~[?:?]
at$ ~[?:?]
... 24 more
The JsonSyntaxException is furthermore present in the log, see at 2024-03-16 19:25:07.247
That's a different (and harmless) one though: it's emitted from EcovacsIotMqDevice, not EcovacsApiImpl.