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A simplified touch optimized interface for QGIS

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QField for QGIS

A simplified touch optimized interface for QGIS.

Perfect for field work on portable touch devices.

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Windows (Beta)

Download the latest windows beta version

iOS (Beta)

An iOS version is in the making. You can sign up for beta testing in testflight to get access earlier than everyone else.

MacOS (Beta)

MacOS support is currently in beta status. Download the latest development builds and leave us a note how it works.


QField is an open source project, licensed under the terms of the GPLv2 or later. This means that it is free to use and modify and will stay like that.

We are very happy if this app helps you to get your job done or in whatever creative way you may use it.

If you found it useful, we will be even happier if you could give something back. A couple of things you can do are

Get master (unstable) version

We automatically publish the latest master build to a dedicated channel on the playstore. You'll need to join the beta program to start getting the latest version.

Please remember that this is the latest development build and is not meant for production.


For development information, refer to the dedicated developer documentation.