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Sharing a product via social media should not add parameters

Open M123-dev opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments


  • When sharing a product:

Schauen Sie sich dieses Produkt auf Open Food Facts an:

  • We should not add the app name version uuid platform and all the other stuff

M123-dev avatar Jul 07 '22 21:07 M123-dev

😱 @M123-dev @monsieurtanuki bumping to P0

teolemon avatar Sep 28 '22 16:09 teolemon

Fixed already

Schauen Sie sich dieses Produkt auf Open Food Facts an:

M123-dev avatar Sep 28 '22 16:09 M123-dev

Wait no, we need more investigation, I think we just fixed this in smoothie locally and not in here

M123-dev avatar Sep 28 '22 17:09 M123-dev