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Fix get robotoff questions tests

Open M123-dev opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

The get robotoff questions, get robotoff insights and get robotoff ingredient spelling corrections tests in api_getRobotoff_test.dart are currently all skipped because we specified them to do so (skip: 'This Group of tests is unstable'),

We should fix them.

Edit: The same applies for answer robotoff question in api_postRobotoff_test.dart

Error when the skip parameter is removed:

package:openfoodfacts/model/RobotoffQuestion.dart 50:17    RobotoffQuestion.fromJson
package:openfoodfacts/model/RobotoffQuestion.g.dart 13:35  _$RobotoffQuestionResultFromJson
package:openfoodfacts/model/RobotoffQuestion.dart 20:7     new RobotoffQuestionResult.fromJson
package:openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts.dart 400:41            OpenFoodAPIClient.getRobotoffQuestionsForProduct
===== asynchronous gap ===========================
test\api_getRobotoff_test.dart 18:11                       main.<fn>.<fn>

type 'List<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'Iterable<Map<String, dynamic>>' in type cast

package:openfoodfacts/model/RobotoffQuestion.dart 50:17    RobotoffQuestion.fromJson
package:openfoodfacts/model/RobotoffQuestion.g.dart 13:35  _$RobotoffQuestionResultFromJson
package:openfoodfacts/model/RobotoffQuestion.dart 20:7     new RobotoffQuestionResult.fromJson
package:openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts.dart 400:41            OpenFoodAPIClient.getRobotoffQuestionsForProduct
===== asynchronous gap ===========================
test\api_getRobotoff_test.dart 43:11                       main.<fn>.<fn>

type 'List<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'Iterable<Map<String, dynamic>>' in type cast

package:openfoodfacts/model/RobotoffQuestion.dart 50:17    RobotoffQuestion.fromJson
package:openfoodfacts/model/RobotoffQuestion.g.dart 13:35  _$RobotoffQuestionResultFromJson
package:openfoodfacts/model/RobotoffQuestion.dart 20:7     new RobotoffQuestionResult.fromJson
package:openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts.dart 442:41            OpenFoodAPIClient.getRandomRobotoffQuestion
===== asynchronous gap ===========================
test\api_getRobotoff_test.dart 68:11                       main.<fn>.<fn>

type 'List<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'Iterable<Map<String, dynamic>>' in type cast

package:openfoodfacts/model/Insight.dart 92:17    Insight.fromJson
package:openfoodfacts/model/Insight.g.dart 12:25  _$InsightsResultFromJson
package:openfoodfacts/model/Insight.dart 65:7     new InsightsResult.fromJson
package:openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts.dart 346:24   OpenFoodAPIClient.getRandomInsight
===== asynchronous gap ===========================
test\api_getRobotoff_test.dart 87:33              main.<fn>.<fn>

type 'List<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'Iterable<Map<String, dynamic>>' in type cast

package:openfoodfacts/model/Insight.g.dart 12:51  _$InsightsResultFromJson
package:openfoodfacts/model/Insight.dart 65:7     new InsightsResult.fromJson
package:openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts.dart 368:27   OpenFoodAPIClient.getProductInsights
===== asynchronous gap ===========================
test\api_getRobotoff_test.dart 104:33             main.<fn>.<fn>

type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'List<dynamic>' in type cast

test\api_getRobotoff_test.dart 130:44  main.<fn>.<fn>
test\api_getRobotoff_test.dart 125:54  main.<fn>.<fn>

type 'Future<SpellingCorrection?>' is not a subtype of type 'FutureOr<SpellingCorrection>' in type cast

M123-dev avatar Sep 08 '21 10:09 M123-dev

With #274 most robotoff queries work. Still, the spelling part doesn't work, and I assume something is missing anyway.

The current test is about the suggested correct spelling(s) of 'fqrine de blé', which obviously would be 'farine de blé'(at least in french). Unfortunately the output is 'fqrine de blé' (which is also the input):

Anyway, there's no language parameter: how could the spellcheck discriminate among 'farinha', 'harina', 'farina' and 'farine' from for instance 'farini in input?

Another strange thing is that the generated json does not seem encoded in utf8. While the product json is, or at least Süßungsmittel is displayed correctly in

@stephanegigandet @teolemon Are there additional parameters needed in api/v1/predict/ingredients/spellcheck in order to get relevant results (like adding the language) or to force UTF8 output?

monsieurtanuki avatar Oct 28 '21 12:10 monsieurtanuki

Is Robotff spellcheck used somewhere in smooth-app?

raphael0202 avatar Nov 21 '22 09:11 raphael0202

@raphael0202 Actually we don't use it in smooth-app.

monsieurtanuki avatar Nov 21 '22 11:11 monsieurtanuki

ok so you can drop the tests (and the code) completely, next revamp of the spellcheck code will probably require some API change as well.

raphael0202 avatar Nov 22 '22 08:11 raphael0202