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Remove the libraries we don't use anymore from the readme
Libraries we use
We use the following libraries, and we're not closed to changes where relevant :-) If you spot any libraries we added or we don't use anymore, feel free to update this list using a Pull Request.
- Dagger 2 - A fast dependency injector for Android and Java
- Retrofit - Retrofit turns your REST API into a Java interface
- OkHttp - An HTTP+SPDY client for Android and Java applications
- Mockito - Most popular Mocking framework for unit tests written in Java
- Apache - The Apache Commons IO library contains utility classes, stream implementations, file filters, file comparators, endian transformation classes, and much more.
- RxJava - Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM.
- android-async-http - A Callback-Based Http Client Library for Android
- Jackson - Core part of Jackson that defines Streaming API as well as basic shared abstractions
- code-mc/loadtoast - Pretty material design toasts with feedback animations
- journeyapps/zxing-android-embedded - Barcode scanner library for Android, based on the ZXing decoder
- koush/ion - Android Asynchronous Networking and Image Loading
- jsoup - jsoup is a Java library for working with real-world HTML
- satyan/sugar - Insanely easy way to work with Android Database.
- afollestad/material-dialogs - A beautiful, fluid, and extensible dialogs API for Kotlin & Android.
- jjhesk/LoyalNativeSlider - Possible a dynamic viewpager ever you can find.
- mikepenz/MaterialDrawer - The flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project.
I believe we can use dependency analysis plugin to remove the unused dependencies. I have found 6 unused dependencies, 5 app dependencies and 1 Test dependency that are not used. App passes all Unit Test after removing these dependencies.
Is this issue still open ?