**Adrian Buciuman** Environment: _Windows 7 + IE8, openfaces nightly build 3.1.EA1.868, mojarra 2.1.2_ The pagination in data table works good if you browse up/down from page to page. In the...
**Anna Maria** I have a popup layer with an input text in it. In order to display validation messages related to the input text I use a floatingIconMessage. The problem...
**Lauren Elkin** When attempting to add openfaces to a project using JSF 2.2, attempts to use the tag library do not work. The problem has to do with the namespace...
**Michael Nemoy** Enter an existing contract with a program/episodes assigned to group, above the runs grid click the Presets icon - in order to select an amortization template: Open the...
**Michael Nemoy** [error after add renewal] Choose an existing contract -> in General tab select a value for Renewal Alert date -> save -> go to Terms tab ->...
**Michael Nemoy** New Contract Screen -> New Purchase Contract -> Fill mandatory fields -> Go to Terms tab -> Pres + in program tab -> In program addition press the...
**Candace Bain** I have two slider components and need to ensure that the value of one is not greater than the value of the other. I added an onchange handler...
**Nicholas Oxhøj** I have run into a bug with when being inside a component/region rerendered by RichFaces Ajax. When such a page is viewed in newer Firefox browsers, the rerendered...
**Geoff Groskreutz** Invironment:_Mojarra 2.1.2, 2.1.11, 2.1.22, 2.1.24; IE browsers in IE8 standards/IE5 quirks modes; Tomcat 7.0.42; OF build: 3.1.EA1.c1_aug2012_43_ ``` Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier in dropDownField.js:43 \META-INF\resources\openfaces\input\dropDownField.js ``` This error...
**Geoff Groskreutz** Receive an Access denied script error when changing tabs when using an IE browser in IE8 or lower standards mode (including IE5 quirks mode). ``` location: webapp/faces/javax.faces.resource/util/util.js?ln=openfaces&ofver=3.1.EA1.c1_aug2012_43 SCRIPT70:...