fether copied to clipboard
Fether snap not working: error: unknown option `--no-sandbox'
wget https://github.com/paritytech/fether/releases/download/v0.4.2-beta/fether_0.4.2_amd64.snap
snap install --dangerous fether_0.4.2_amd64.snap
i18next: languageChanged en
i18next: initialized {
debug: true,
initImmediate: true,
ns: [ 'fether' ],
defaultNS: 'fether',
fallbackLng: [ 'en-US', 'en', 'de-DE', 'de' ],
fallbackNS: false,
whitelist: false,
nonExplicitWhitelist: false,
load: 'all',
preload: false,
simplifyPluralSuffix: true,
keySeparator: '.',
nsSeparator: ':',
pluralSeparator: '_',
contextSeparator: '_',
partialBundledLanguages: false,
saveMissing: true,
updateMissing: false,
saveMissingTo: 'fallback',
saveMissingPlurals: true,
missingKeyHandler: false,
missingInterpolationHandler: false,
postProcess: false,
returnNull: true,
returnEmptyString: true,
returnObjects: false,
joinArrays: false,
returnedObjectHandler: [Function: returnedObjectHandler],
parseMissingKeyHandler: false,
appendNamespaceToMissingKey: false,
appendNamespaceToCIMode: false,
overloadTranslationOptionHandler: [Function: handle],
interpolation: { escapeValue: false },
lng: 'en',
resources: { en: { fether: [Object] }, de: { fether: [Object] } }
error: unknown option `--no-sandbox'
It's a VERY bad suggestion to work with stone age old version - but they seem to have completely deserted this project?
so, try this:
./fether-0.3.1-x86_64.AppImage --no-sandbox
but ... sorry ... no.
"Unsupported version 2.7.2 please use 2.5.0"
Perhaps try that?
Use this instead of fether:
It does not seem to accept the Mnemonic phrase - but the e.g. the private key works.