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Import order affects whether code is sandboxed.
This code will run outside of a sandbox:
import codejail.jail_code
import codejail.safe_exec
codejail.jail_code.configure('python', '/home/pmitros/jail/jailbox/bin/python')
codejail.safe_exec.safe_exec("import os\nos.system('ls /etc')", {})
This code will run in a sandbox:
import codejail.jail_code
codejail.jail_code.configure('python', '/home/pmitros/jail/jailbox/bin/python')
import codejail.safe_exec
codejail.safe_exec.safe_exec("import os\nos.system('ls /etc')", {})
The only difference is the order of the calls.
The code which specifically breaks is:
UNSAFE = ALWAYS_BE_UNSAFE or not jail_code.is_configured("python")
This runs on import, and if UNSAFE is set, it overrides safe_exec with an unsafe version. The code attempts to log a warning, but fails unless loggers are configured the edX way (simply stating 'No handlers could be found for logger "codejail.safe_exec"').