configuration copied to clipboard
Broken link to sqoop
edX Insights fails to install because of a broken link to sqoop TASK [sqoop : distribution downloaded] ***************************************** fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "dest": "/var/tmp", "failed": true, "gid": 0, "group": "root", "mode": "01777", "msg": "Request failed", "owner": "root", "response": "HTTP Error 404: Not Found", "size": 4096, "state": "directory", "status_code": 404, "uid": 0, "url": ""} to retry, use: --limit @/home/wwadmin/configuration/playbooks/edx-east/analytics_single.retry
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* localhost : ok=140 changed=112 unreachable=0 failed=1
The link is dead:
Instead, Apache Foundation has archived the mentioned version of sqoop at:
So a quick fix is: /home/your_user/configuration/playbooks/edx-east/roles/sqoop/main.yml Go to line 31: and replace "{{ SQOOP_VERSION }}/{{ sqoop_base_filename }}.tar.gz" with "{{ SQOOP_VERSION }}/{{ sqoop_base_filename }}.tar.gz"