feinstaub-map copied to clipboard
Mobile Usability
Touch devices can't see the individual values of a cell, enable touch events. Render the value panel responsive (full screen with X perhaps).
I changed the sources to enable touch events and changed the column headers to "PM10" and "PM2.5". Please "webpack" these new sources and upload those.
Is it possible to create more than one layer and to switch between them? So we could create one layer for particle values and one for temp./humidity. I'm saving one json file per minute as cache. But its also possible to access the "historic" files. So we could create a simple animation by creating a layer per every 5th or 10th json file and looping though these layers.
We could add additional layers and switch between them.
For time series data it would be nice to have a graph to see the development of values. We could then select a specific time on the graph and have the map correlate, and also add "autoplay".
see #9 and #11
Map is working on safari under macos. touch is also working. can we change the zoom level to level 11?
The default level or max level? Default to 11 seems reasonable.
default level to 11, max level of 13 is ok.