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Support OpenAPI v3.0
I would love to see support for version 3.0 of the OpenAPI specification. I would be glad to help implementing this.
Thank you Niels. Right now we are reshaping the tool and adding more functions into it. Once it's stable, we will start thinking about OpenAPI v3 and any help will be welcome.
@hamzaed hey, just bumping this issue to ask how the reshaping is coming along, and if there is any movement on the OpenAPI v3.0 support? I want to get you listed up on OpenAPI.Tools but having full or in progress OpenAPI v3.0 support is a requirement.
@philsturgeon thanks for reaching out. We appreciate your interest in listing our tool in OpenAPI.Tools. The support for OpenAPI v3.0 is in progress. We already have a metamodel for OpenAPI v3 and we will integrate it soon into the tool.
@hamzaed Hello, i did try to generate uml from an openapi 3.0.0 definition and got the following message
object has missing required properties (["swagger"])
It seems the openapi 3 spec is not supported yet. Do you know when/if it will be supported?
It's indeed not supported (except for some internal artefacts as the metamodel that @hamzaed mentioned above, but there is no full pipeline that integrates them with the rest of the tool). I can't really give a date. It will also depend on whether somebody contributes or a company decides to sponsor this adaptation.
Do you know what would be required to add support for open api 3? We would like to see this and perhaps can help contribute if the changes are relatively trivial to add given the existence of the meta model already https://github.com/opendata-for-all/openapi-metamodel/tree/OpenAPI3
The mentioned repo provides a draft of the OpenAPI 3 metamodel and not the final version. Unfortunately, the required changes are not trivial since a new version of the OpenAPI UML profile supporting OpenAPI 3 should also be created (https://github.com/opendata-for-all/openapi-profile) then all the transformations taking place should be updated accordingly. Feel free to clone this repo alongside the repos of the related dependencies (the OpenAPI metamodel and the OpenAPI UML profile). Import these projects into your Eclipse and debug a transformation using an OpenAPI 2 definition to see how everything is orchestrated. To do so, you should be familiar with plugins dev process in Eclipse.