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Conformance: Add artifact test?

Open jdolitsky opened this issue 4 years ago • 4 comments

Wondering if its appropriate to add an additional test workflow to test support for arbitrary artifacts... The alternative might be to allow the test suite to be expandable in some way where other repos could just plop in an additional go file (for example, the artifacts repo).

In any case, many people ask "which registries support Helm charts" etc. and it would be nice to show some factual data vs. just a bullet list

jdolitsky avatar Apr 21 '20 17:04 jdolitsky

With the Artifacts doc merged, it’s a good time to have this discussion. It’s not required for registries to support any artifact. Registry operators and customers may choose to limit the types of artifacts they support in a registry or repo. That’s really up to the specific registry. That said, we could define a sample artifact that would be used for the test as i suspect registries will be open as file systems don’t restrict file extensions. We may have our standard sample or the registry operator could provide their own sample.

SteveLasker avatar May 08 '20 16:05 SteveLasker

yes we should have an "optional" test for artifacts... that would be nice

mikebrow avatar May 11 '20 00:05 mikebrow

moving this to post 1.0

jdolitsky avatar Oct 14 '20 23:10 jdolitsky

@jdolitsky - Would you be ok using this issue to track the OCI artifacts v1.1. release?

sajayantony avatar Nov 08 '22 21:11 sajayantony