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Constraint upper bound overwritten when copying model
Problem description
Using the model.copy()
with the gurobi interface causes the upper bound of constraints to be overwritten.
Code Sample
import cobra
model = cobra.Model()
model.add_metabolites(cobra.Metabolite('a')) = -1
model.metabolites.a.constraint.ub = 2
print('----using glpk interface (w/ copied model)-----')
model.solver = 'glpk'
model2 = model.copy()
print('Constraint lower bound: ',
print('Constraint upper bound: ', model2.metabolites.a.constraint.ub)
model.solver = 'gurobi'
print('----using gurobi interface (w/ original model)-----')
print('Constraint lower bound: ',
print('Constraint upper bound: ', model.metabolites.a.constraint.ub)
model3 = model.copy()
print('----using gurobi interface (w/ copied model)-----')
print('Constraint lower bound: ',
print('Constraint upper bound: ', model3.metabolites.a.constraint.ub)
Actual Output
----using glpk interface (w/ copied model)----- Constraint lower bound: -1.0 Constraint upper bound: 2.0
----using gurobi interface (w/ original model)----- Constraint lower bound: -1 Constraint upper bound: 2
----using gurobi interface (w/ copied model)----- Constraint lower bound: -1.0 Constraint upper bound: -1.0
Expected Output
----using glpk interface (w/ copied model)----- Constraint lower bound: -1.0 Constraint upper bound: 2.0
----using gurobi interface (w/ original model)----- Constraint lower bound: -1 Constraint upper bound: 2
----using gurobi interface (w/ copied model)----- Constraint lower bound: -1.0 Constraint upper bound: 2.0
Dependency Information
Please paste the output of python -c "from cobra import show_versions; show_versions()"
in the details block below.
System Information
OS Windows OS-release 10 Python 3.6.5
Package Versions
cobra 0.12.0 depinfo 1.3.0 future 0.16.0 numpy 1.14.2 optlang 1.4.2 pandas 0.22.0 pip 9.0.1 ruamel.yaml 0.14.12 setuptools 39.1.0 six 1.11.0 swiglpk 1.4.4 tabulate 0.8.2 wheel 0.31.0
This is still valid (and valid for GLPK as well), and since the tests use copy a lot, it can alter results of running optimization of tests.
I've attached an example script file and output that shows how the constraints and fluxes are different when knocking out a reaction. Just change it to your directory and run it.
Maybe this is a problem with reading from SBML? Are the constraint bounds supposed to be read as int or float? @matthiaskoenig Either way, the copy shouldn't change something from int to float.
For Gurobi this is a bug in when reading back the constraints from LP format (slack variables don't get applied to bounds). So this can be fixed upstream. It should be noted that this only affects the display of the bound not the actual enforcement of the bound which is correct. In particular when optimizing model3
you one see the constraint taking on arbitrary values between -1 and 2. So not immensely serious but worth fixing for sure.
@akaviaLab Note that flux solutions don't have to be unique. The only thing guaranteed with the optimizations you are running is (1) that the optimum should the same in original and copy, and (2) that no bound should be violated within the solver tolerance. The fluxes do not have to be equal. As far as I can tell everything is fine with GLPK except for a type switch which is a bit unlucky. We could cast them to float explicitly if that is helpful.
@cdiener - thanks for explaining. Should the flux be float to begin with when reading from SBML? If not, how can we fix the type switch in GLPK?
Definitely. We can enforce it in the base optlang interface and check the individual interfaces.
Okay - can you deal with that please? I don't understand optlang that well.
Will do.