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[master] Order edit - Order data change/not change at refresh/confirm
What version of OpenCart are you reporting this for? master Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is What section does it affect? the order data is changed in part (store) it should not change and it not changes in parts (language, currency) it should change.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Go to 'setup an additional store'
- Prepare the category and product settings
- Login to new store and order a product
- Go to back end sales
- Open the order and change the currency
- press refresh and confirm
- close the order and reopen it again
- see the error
Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. Correct data should be saved
Screenshots / Screen recordings If applicable, add screenshots or recordings to help explain your problem. Please keep these short and if you can, edit them to point out when/where the problem is. is perfect for screen recording with Chrome or with their desktop app order-edit-store-language-curreny-change.webm
Server / Test environment (please complete the following information):
- Local development? Deployed to a web server? server
- Operating system linux
- PHP version 8.2
- Apache version 2.4
- Browser(s) tested with [e.g. chrome, safari - if applicable] FF
- Version [e.g. 22] 116.0
the issue is people complain when the order totals are changed after saving
If it is not allowed for the shop owner to change Store Language and Currency then a) it should not be possible for editing in the administration area (what I really not like as shop owner because then I have to delete the order and create a new order ... that response we really don't like) b) it should be a configuration setting so the shop owner can decide what he need
I guess it only affects automatic payment/refund systems like PayPal... what we already had in the older OpenCart versions. So variant b) is a good compromise and a clear process for all shop owners.
And btw. which shop owner is changing settings of an order if not the customer ask for it? In each way to change the store and language must be changeable because it is reporting relevant.
i think i need to redo how api calls are made to create orders.