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investigate a model transformation framework
User Story
As a discipline expert, I would like to write declarative specifications for transformations between discipline models and OML and have a model transformation framework generate the appropriate code.
Detailed Description
Open interfaces and the ability to export and import a large class of external models are essential features of OML and CAESAR. CAESAR's success will be both dependent on and facilitated by a powerful, reusable framework that simplifies construction of trustworthy model translators.
Triple Graph Grammars were introduced by Andy Schurr in 1994 and have become a grounding theory for model transformations. eMoflon is a metamodeling and transformation framework for Eclipse based on triple graph grammars. CAESAR is already based on EMF so it is a logical candidate. There may be others.
We have already implemented an OML-to-OWL2 transformation and are working on SysML-to-OML. If we're going to incorporate some kind of framework to make this better and faster, now is a good time.
I tried to assign myself as well but Github wouldn't permit more than two assignees. Maybe because I'm the originator.
This issue is of great interest. Currently, one of the issues in performing semantic integration using OML is the effort associated with writing adapters for complex languages such as SysML. We are currently experimenting with SysML custom profiles and it has proven to be non-trivial. Especially since it requires programming personnel with very specific knowledge.