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Compatibility with openai/baselines
Are those environments compatible with OpenAI baselines implementation?
At first sights, it looks like the agents in openai/baselines
don't support environments with an observable list.
For example the code below gives the exception:
~/tmp/baselines/baselines/deepq/ in learn(env, network, seed, lr, total_timesteps, buffer_size, exploration_fraction, exploration_final_eps, train_freq, batch_size, print_freq, checkpoint_freq, checkpoint_path, learning_starts, gamma, target_network_update_freq, prioritized_replay, prioritized_replay_alpha, prioritized_replay_beta0, prioritized_replay_beta_iters, prioritized_replay_eps, param_noise, callback, load_path, **network_kwargs)
202 make_obs_ph=make_obs_ph,
203 q_func=q_func,
--> 204 num_actions=env.action_space.n,
205 optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=lr),
206 gamma=gamma,
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'n'
Code that instantiates a baseline agent with a multiagent environment:
from baselines.common.vec_env.subproc_vec_env import SubprocVecEnv
from import get_learn_function
from multiagent.environment import MultiAgentEnv
import multiagent.scenarios as scenarios
common_kwargs = dict(total_timesteps=30000, network="mlp", gamma=1.0, seed=0)
learn_kwargs = {
'a2c' : dict(nsteps=32, value_network='copy', lr=0.05),
'acktr': dict(nsteps=32, value_network='copy'),
'deepq': dict(total_timesteps=20000),
'ppo2': dict(value_network='copy'),
'trpo_mpi': {}
alg = "deepq"
kwargs = common_kwargs.copy()
learn_fn = lambda e: get_learn_function(alg)(env=e, **kwargs)
def env_fn():
scenario = scenarios.load("").Scenario()
world = scenario.make_world()
env = MultiAgentEnv(world, scenario.reset_world, scenario.reward, scenario.observation, scenario.benchmark_data)
return env
env = SubprocVecEnv([env_fn])
model = learn_fn(env)
Hello @mmmikael . I too want to use baselines in order to have the latest algorithms to use in my multi-agent machine learning project. Did you ever find a solution for this, or code a workaround?
Hi @mmmikael do share the solution if you are able to work with multi agent in open ai baselines
@mmmikael @Zamiell @Usmaniatech did any of you rectified the issue, if so do share the solution