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Interactive Textbook Demo

Interactive textbook demo

This repository contains the code for an interactive textbook demo that showcases how OpenAI's technologies can be used to make it more accessible to people with visual disabilities or language and learning barriers.

Hosted demo (email [email protected] for access).


Create .env.local file in the project root and copy the contents of .env.example into it. You can create an OpenAI API key here:

Install dependencies:

npm install

Run development environment:

npm run dev

Using the trufflehog Pre-Commit Hook

This repository includes a pre-commit hook that uses the trufflehog tool to scan your code for secrets before each commit. This helps prevent secrets, such as API keys and passwords, from being accidentally committed to the repository.


Install pre-commit by running:

pip3 install pre-commit

Before you can use the trufflehog pre-commit hook, you need to have the trufflehog tool installed. You can install it using the following command:

brew install trufflehog

Once you have both tools installed, you can run pre-commit install to install the pre-commit hooks in your repository:

Using the Pre-Commit Hook

Once you have the trufflehog tool installed and have added the patterns you want to search for (OAI keys added by default), you can use the pre-commit hook to automatically scan your code before each commit. To use the pre-commit hook, simply run the git commit command as you normally would.

The trufflehog tool will automatically scan your code for secrets and reject the commit if any are found. If any secrets are found, you will be prompted to remove them before trying.