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succinct provides several static succinct data types

  • Succinct Set
    • Synopsis
    • Performance
    • Implementation
  • License

Succinct Set

中文介绍: 100行代码的压缩前缀树: 50% smaller

Set is a succinct, sorted and static string set impl with compacted trie as storage. The space cost is about half lower than the original data.


package succinct

import "fmt"

func ExampleNewSet() {
	keys := []string{
		"A", "Aani", "Aaron", "Aaronic", "Aaronical", "Aaronite",
		"Aaronitic", "Aaru", "Ab", "Ababdeh", "Ababua", "Abadite",
	s := NewSet(keys)
	for _, k := range []string{"Aani", "Foo", "Ababdeh"} {
		found := s.Has(k)
		fmt.Printf("lookup %10s, found: %v\n", k, found)

	// Output:
	// lookup       Aani, found: true
	// lookup        Foo, found: false
	// lookup    Ababdeh, found: true


  • 200 kilo real-world words collected from web:

    • the space costs is 57% of original data size.
    • And a Has() costs about 350 ns with a zip-f workload.

    Original size: 2204 KB

    With comparison with string array bsearch and google btree :

    Data Engine Size(KB) Size/original ns/op
    200kweb2 bsearch 5890 267% 229
    200kweb2 succinct.Set 1258 57% 356
    200kweb2 btree 12191 553% 483

    A string in go has two fields: a pointer to the text content and a length. Thus the space overhead is quite high with small strings. btree internally has more pointers and indirections(interface).

  • 870 kilo real-world ipv4:

    • the space costs is 67% of original data size.
    • And a Has() costs about 500 ns with a zip-f workload.

    Original size: 6823 KB

    Data Engine Size(KB) Size/original ns/op
    870k_ip4_hex bsearch 17057 500% 276
    870k_ip4_hex succinct.Set 2316 67% 496
    870k_ip4_hex btree 40388 1183% 577


It stores sorted strings in a compacted trie(AKA prefix tree). A trie node has at most 256 outgoing labels. A label is just a single byte. E.g., [ab, abc, abcd, axy, buv] is represented with a trie like the following: (Numbers are node id)

^ -a-> 1 -b-> 3 $
  |      |      `c-> 6 $
  |      |             `d-> 9 $
  |      `x-> 4 -y-> 7 $
  `b-> 2 -u-> 5 -v-> 8 $

Internally it uses a packed []byte and a bitmap with len([]byte) bits to describe the outgoing labels of a node,:

^: ab  00
1: bx  00
2: u   0
3: c   0
4: y   0
5: v   0
6: d   0
7: ø
8: ø
9: ø

In storage it packs labels together and bitmaps joined with separator 1:

labels(ignore space): "ab bx u c y v d"
label bitmap:          0010010101010101111

In this way every node has a 0 pointing to it(except the root node) and has a corresponding 1 for it:

                       .--.    | .---|-.
                       |.-|--. | | .-|-|.
                       || ↓  ↓ | | | ↓ ↓↓
labels(ignore space):  ab bx u c y v d øøø
label bitmap:          0010010101010101111
node-id:               0  1  2 3 4 5 6 789
                          || | ↑ ↑ ↑ |   ↑
                          || `-|-|-' `---'

To walk from a parent node along a label to a child node, count the number of 0 upto the bit the label position, then find where the the corresponding 1 is:

childNodeId = select1(rank0(i))

In our impl, it is:

nodeId = countZeros(ss.labelBitmap, ss.ranks, bmIdx+1)
bmIdx = selectIthOne(ss.labelBitmap, ss.ranks, ss.selects, nodeId-1) + 1

Finally leaf nodes are indicated by another bitmap leaves, in which a 1 at i-th bit indicates the i-th node is a leaf:

leaves: 0001001111


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.