SfM_quality_evaluation copied to clipboard
SfM Camera trajectory quality evaluation
========================================= SfM Camera trajectory quality evaluation
Those datasets can be used to evaluate the SfM camera trajectory quality found by openMVG.
Update the OPENMVG_SFM_BIN and OPENMVG_GLOBAL_SFM_BIN directory path in EvaluationLauncher.py
- Use full path (linux user must use /home/user/...)
Launch the benchmark evaluation $ python EvaluationLauncher.py ./GT_DATASET ./GT_DATASET_out
Look to results
- open ExternalCalib_Report.html files in ./GT_DATASET_out
"dense multi-view stereo"
- http://cvlabwww.epfl.ch/data/multiview/
- C. Strecha, W. von Hansen, L. Van Gool, P. Fua, U. Thoennessen "On Benchmarking Camera Calibration and Multi-View Stereo for High Resolution Imagery" CVPR 2008.
- Compress image from png to LosslessJPEG (318.9MB => 261.3MB)
- rename .png.camera to .jpg.camera
- Intrinsic camera to use (K matrix): 2759.48;0;1520.69; 0;2764.16;1006.81; 0;0;1