This is my error:
src (ERROR)
[0:00:00] Started.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Working\soft\depot_tools\", line 267, in print_notice_and_exit
File "D:\Working\soft\depot_tools\", line 3182, in
File "D:\Working\soft\depot_tools\", line 3168, in main
return dispatcher.execute(OptionParser(), argv)
File "D:\Working\soft\depot_tools\", line 252, in execute
return command(parser, args[1:])
File "D:\Working\soft\depot_tools\", line 2725, in CMDsync
ret = client.RunOnDeps('update', args)
File "D:\Working\soft\depot_tools\", line 1763, in RunOnDeps
patch_refs=patch_refs, target_branches=target_branches)
File "D:\Working\soft\depot_tools\", line 906, in flush
reraise(e[0], e[1], e[2])
File "D:\Working\soft\depot_tools\", line 983, in run*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File "D:\Working\soft\depot_tools\", line 933, in run
File "D:\Working\soft\depot_tools\", line 132, in RunCommand
return getattr(self, command)(options, args, file_list)
File "D:\Working\soft\depot_tools\", line 516, in update
mirror = self._GetMirror(url, options, revision_ref)
File "D:\Working\soft\depot_tools\", line 957, in _GetMirror
if not self.cache_dir:
File "D:\Working\soft\depot_tools\", line 218, in cache_dir
return git_cache.Mirror.GetCachePath()
File "D:\Working\soft\depot_tools\", line 304, in GetCachePath
File "D:\Working\Python27\lib\", line 530, in check_output
process = Popen(stdout=PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs)
File "D:\Working\Python27\lib\", line 672, in init
errread, errwrite)
File "D:\Working\Python27\lib\", line 882, in _execute_child
WindowsError: [Error 2]
I have same problems too,I print executable para in _execute_child,it's value is None,so it's failed.
I try to use Powershell to run gclient sync it's worked, but failed to build.