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Open WebRTC Toolkit JavaScript SDK
1: safari and windows connect server with h264 2: safari publish share screen to windows 3: safari call p2p.stop() expect: safari call p2p.stop() success and no error message actual: safari...
1: safari and windows connect server with vp8 2: safari publish local stream to windows expect: safari publish success and trigger success callback actual: no callback will be trigger safari...
1: safari and windows connect server 2: safari and windows publish local stream each other 3: windows call p2p.stop() expect: p2p.stop() success and both side trigger remoteStream.ended event actual: windows...
failed to set remote answer sdp the order of m-lines in answer doesn't match order in offer
1: safari and chrome connect server 2: chrome publish localstream to safari 3: chrome call publication.stop() expect: safari side remoteStream trigger ended event actual: safari side remoteStream can not trigger...
IOS 11.4 safari Ice procedure failed
1: android and chrome connect server 2: android publish localstream to chrome 3: android call p2p.stop() expect: android side stop success and chrome side remte stream trigger ended event and...
Hello. My project works fine with safari 11.1.2. However, when I update to Safari 13.0.2, I get an error like the attached image. The image above is from Safari on...