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Failed calling webhook "webhook.openpolicyagent.org" error
While validating upgrading to the latest version of OPA and kube-mgmt on Kubernetes 1.26, we are seeing Failed calling webhook "webhook.openpolicyagent.org" error
in the api server logs.
E0321 15:06:15.586026 dispatcher.go:183] failed calling webhook "webhook.openpolicyagent.org": failed to call webhook: the server could not find the requested resource W0321 15:06:17.357212 1 dispatcher.go:176] Failed calling webhook, failing open webhook.openpolicyagent.org: failed calling webhook "webhook.openpolicyagent.org": failed to call webhook: the server could not find the requested resource E0321 15:06:17.357275 1 dispatcher.go:183] failed calling webhook "webhook.openpolicyagent.org": failed to call webhook: the server could not find the requested resource
Reproduction Steps
Starting with blank kind cluster kind create cluster --image=kindest/node:v1.26.0
Install latest chart via Helm
helm upgrade -i -n opa --create-namespace opa opa/opa-kube-mgmt --set admissionController.enabled=true --version 8.1.0
validatingwebhookconfiguration is created as expected below
apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1
kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
meta.helm.sh/release-name: opa
meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: opa
creationTimestamp: "2023-03-21T15:04:27Z"
generation: 1
app: opa-opa-kube-mgmt
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm
chart: opa-kube-mgmt-8.1.0
heritage: Helm
release: opa
name: opa-opa-kube-mgmt
resourceVersion: "622"
uid: c696feb5-c5dc-4fbd-a842-c02105027269
- admissionReviewVersions:
- v1
- v1beta1
caBundle: "<redacted>"
name: opa-opa-kube-mgmt
namespace: opa
port: 8181
failurePolicy: Ignore
matchPolicy: Equivalent
name: webhook.openpolicyagent.org
- key: openpolicyagent.org/webhook
operator: NotIn
- ignore
objectSelector: {}
- apiGroups:
- '*'
- '*'
- '*'
- '*'
scope: '*'
sideEffects: None
timeoutSeconds: 10
- Service is available
k get svc opa-opa-kube-mgmt -n opa
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE opa-opa-kube-mgmt ClusterIP <none> 8181/TCP 5m38s
- However seeing this error in the api server logs
E0321 15:06:15.586026 dispatcher.go:183] failed calling webhook "webhook.openpolicyagent.org": failed to call webhook: the server could not find the requested resource W0321 15:06:17.357212 1 dispatcher.go:176] Failed calling webhook, failing open webhook.openpolicyagent.org: failed calling webhook "webhook.openpolicyagent.org": failed to call webhook: the server could not find the requested resource E0321 15:06:17.357275 1 dispatcher.go:183] failed calling webhook "webhook.openpolicyagent.org": failed to call webhook: the server could not find the requested resource
Thanks for opening this, just to confirm you aren't seeing any logs from OPA at all? I'm trying to work out if the server could not find the requested resource
is related to a 404 or the k8s API not being able to find a healthy instance to call (I presume OPA pods have started ok?).
Looks like both opa mgmt have started
opa-opa-kube-mgmt-7bcc55fbd5-9sw45 2/2 Running 0 54m
time="2023-03-21T15:04:41Z" level=info msg="Policy/data ConfigMap processor connected to K8s: namespaces=[opa]"
{"client_addr":"","level":"info","msg":"Received request.","req_id":4421,"req_method":"POST","req_path":"/","time":"2023-03-21T15:59:49Z"} {"client_addr":"","level":"info","msg":"Sent response.","req_id":4421,"req_method":"POST","req_path":"/","resp_bytes":86,"resp_duration":1.90967,"resp_status":404,"time":"2023-03-21T15:59:49Z"}
Interesting to note along with health checks its also returning 404 errors, prehaps the webhook service path needs to be updated?
Yeah, that doesn't seem right. I think that the url is going to need to be set in the client config too, i.e. https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/extensible-admission-controllers/#url
I think that you want to set this to this path: https://www.openpolicyagent.org/docs/latest/rest-api/#get-a-document-webhook i.e. /v0/data/system/main
if you have the same structure of policy here: https://www.openpolicyagent.org/docs/latest/kubernetes-tutorial/#policy-2-prohibit-hostname-conflicts
I tried the configuration below but got a auth error:
name: opa-opa-kube-mgmt
namespace: opa
path: /v0/data/system/main
port: 8181
failed calling webhook "webhook.openpolicyagent.org": failed to call webhook: the server has asked for the client to provide credentials
In the opa pod logs it has:
{"client_addr":"","level":"info","msg":"Sent response.","req_id":11321,"req_method":"POST","req_path":"/v0/data/system/main","resp_bytes":87,"resp_duration":0.884191,"resp_status":401,"time":"2023-03-21T17:25:42Z"}
I havent loaded any bundles in yet besides what the chart is providing
I think I got this wrong. The reason that no path is set in the web hook config is that there's an expectation that default_decision will be used. You can read about that here: https://www.openpolicyagent.org/docs/latest/configuration/#miscellaneous
I think that what you need is a policy to be loaded into OPA with the package system and a main rule, as we see here: https://www.openpolicyagent.org/docs/latest/kubernetes-tutorial/#combine-policies
I think that OPA is running with authz on, but it should allow anyone into the root path and the default decision:
package system.authz
default allow = false
# Allow anonymous access to the default policy decision.
allow { input.path = [""]; input.method = "POST" }
allow { input.path = [""]; input.method = "GET" }