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Multiple box-id HPE error !
请问下,如果我的coco json文件里不仅有 person的 id,还有 另外一种比如 袋鼠的id ,也就是说有两种需要检测的物体, 而且袋鼠也要检测它的大概10个的关键点,人的话还是coco的17个关键点,一共加起来27个关键点,但是 袋鼠和人不同的box id,那么paddle tinypose 支持这种json吗? 该怎么修改呢,有木有参考链接呢或者涉及哪些文件? 多谢多谢
Not sure if paddle tinypose supports multiple box-id HPE. In MMPose, maybe you can define the keypoint label as the union of human keypoints and kangaroo keypoints and for each sample mark the inapplicable keypoints (e.g. kangaroo keypoints in a human sample) as unseen or unlabeled.